The government’s vilification of Israel has led to a terror attack on place of worship
December 7, 2024 | Joel Burnie
Attacking a synagogue does not only profane a sacred place, it is the ultimate expression of hatred for the entire Jewish community. Desecrating sacred spaces undermines our social fabric and cohesion as well as the foundation of our liberal democratic and multicultural society.

Jewish Australians’ worst fears have come true
December 6, 2024 | Justin Amler
The Jewish community in Australia is angry at the treatment it’s been receiving from the leaders of this country. It is tired and frustrated and upset and disgusted at what’s been happening on the streets of our cities. And it feels abandoned.

Faith, Unity and the Spirit of Abraham
December 2, 2024 | Rabbi Ralph Genende
The conference coincided with the weekly Torah reading of Genesis 12, which concerns the journey and mission of Abraham: to be a blessing to humanity. This is an important reminder to all of us not to despair of our role to repair – and to play our part in mending – the world.

Australia’s shameful government has acted shamefully yet again
November 29, 2024 | Justin Amler
There are simply no words to describe how the Australian Jewish community has been feeling in recent days. Australia, always known to be fair and just, has brought great shame on itself…

An opportunity for Lebanon, a blow for Hezbollah
November 28, 2024 | Ahron Shapiro
Hezbollah will eventually look to undermine this deal. After all, Resolution 1701, which was supposed to have disarmed Hezbollah and kept it away from Israel’s border, turned out to be not worth the paper it was written on.

Federal government’s actions feed antisemitism here
November 28, 2024 | Colin Rubenstein, Jamie Hyams
The Australian government’s November 21 decision to deny former Israeli justice and interior minister Ayelet Shaked a visa was a surprising act of hostility towards a democratic ally, especially considering the government won’t meaningfully act against the Iranian ambassador effectively calling for genocide… This is just one in a series of severely disappointing government actions since October 7.

The Eighth Front: The war against the Jews
November 27, 2024 | Justin Amler
Israel is now fighting on seven different fronts against enemies committed to its destruction. But there is an eighth front too – one that extends far beyond the Middle East. This front targets not just Israel, but all Jews worldwide.

Australia is not immune to Amsterdam’s hate
November 20, 2024 | Rebecca Davis
Here is the thing about fear: sometimes it’s rational, sometimes it’s just… fear. But this is the reality of the world to which I have been forced to adapt in the wake of Hamas’ October 7 terror atrocities, as my community suffers through an ever-increasing scourge of Jewish hate worldwide, including here in my beloved city of Melbourne.

Global community incensed by Israel’s banning of UNRWA should consider its ugly history
November 8, 2024 | Justin Amler
UNRWA is an organisation that is designed not to help people rebuild their lives and thrive, but to hinder them from doing so in the name of politicised goals.

Letter: Wong got it wrong
November 7, 2024 | Jamie Hyams
Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s November 6 opinion piece on the Middle East is very disappointing. The casualty figures come directly from Hamas, so at the very least are dubious, while it’s simply untrue 2 million people – Gaza’s entire population – are facing starvation.

Understanding the “Ring of Fire”
November 6, 2024 | Colin Rubenstein
On October 26, Israel carried out its long-expected reprisal for Iran’s October 1 launch of some 200 ballistic missiles against Israel – the largest single ballistic missile attack by one nation against another in history. Israel’s response involved three waves of Israeli jets reportedly first hitting air defence facilities, and then drone and ballistic missile manufacturing and launch sites.

The Australian Government refuses to see UNRWA’s terrorism
October 31, 2024 | Justin Amler
What these Foreign Ministers have failed to understand is that UNRWA is not really an international aid agency, but an internationally-funded Palestinian entity (99% of UNRWA staff are Palestinian) complicit in terrorism, which masquerades as an international aid organisation, and an ineffectual one at that. The evidence is damning.