The war that led to terror

October 6, 2007 | Bren Carlill

In a region blighted by violence, one conflict stands out as the war that changed how the world deals with the Middle East. That was the Yom Kippur War, which started 34 years ago today.

Lowering the heat on terrorists would be a fatal mistake

September 24, 2007 | Colin Rubenstein

A few weeks ago, former High Court Chief Justice Gerard Brennan told a Law Council of Australia conference that our counter-terrorism laws had made “substantial incursions on individual freedom and the values of the common law” but that such incursions “may be essential to combat the risk of terror.

Doing our bit to stop nukes post-APEC

September 13, 2007 | Colin Rubenstein

Russia and China are the key to a new UN Security Council resolution to pressure Iran to stop its illegal enrichment of uranium. Because of our recent deal to sell uranium to those countries, Australia was in a particularly strong position to ask them to play a more positive role than they have so far.

Negotiation alone won’t fix the Middle East

August 29, 2007 | Colin Rubenstein

Futile talks can provide propaganda victories for rogue actors and help them portray their methods as successful.

Still time to stop Middle East arms war

August 21, 2007 | Bren Carlill

Israelis are petrified of Iran going nuclear, but why should that bother the rest of us? The fact is, a nuclear Iran would be harmful for everyone.

Energy is defiant Iran’s weakpoint

August 6, 2007 | Colin Rubenstein

LAST WEEK, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, visiting the Middle East, correctly said that the Iranian regime constitutes the “biggest threat” to the region.

Children’s TV Hijacked

July 17, 2007 | Allon Lee

FIRST there was Farfour – the mouse with the killer attitude. Now meet his cousin, Nahoul, a children’s character with a real sting in his tail.

Year of living dangerously

July 16, 2007 | Bren Carlill

A YEAR ago this week, the Hezbollah-Israel conflict captured the attention and fears of the world after an unprovoked Hezbollah rocketed Israeli cities, crossed the border, captured two soldiers and killed eight others.

No mercy in this religious war

July 11, 2007 | Bren Carlill

IT is a year since Hezbollah fired rockets at Israel from Lebanon and crossed the international border before ambushing Israeli troops.

Abbas must confront terror groups

June 25, 2007 | Colin Rubenstein

THE blood-soaked Hamas victory in Gaza and break with the Fatah-controlled West Bank profoundly divides the Palestinian political landscape and further complicates Israeli-Palestinian peace prospects.


Screenshot 2024 07 26 At 10.20.09 AM

“I do fear that… this government’s realignment will continue to be against Israel”: Joel Burnie on Sky News

Screenshot 2024 07 26 At 9.31.05 AM

“This rabid crowd [of protestors]…have taken it upon themselves to disrupt all life in all places”: Joel Burnie on Sky News

At rallies across the world, it’s not unusual to see the former Iranian flag being waved proudly alongside Israeli flags (Image: X/ Twitter)

The many Iranians who support Israel and Israelis


IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

AIJAC deplores ICJ Advisory Opinion

Screenshot 2024 07 26 At 10.20.09 AM

“I do fear that… this government’s realignment will continue to be against Israel”: Joel Burnie on Sky News

Screenshot 2024 07 26 At 9.31.05 AM

“This rabid crowd [of protestors]…have taken it upon themselves to disrupt all life in all places”: Joel Burnie on Sky News

At rallies across the world, it’s not unusual to see the former Iranian flag being waved proudly alongside Israeli flags (Image: X/ Twitter)

The many Iranians who support Israel and Israelis


IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

AIJAC deplores ICJ Advisory Opinion