More than 1,000 truckloads of aid waiting to be picked up inside Gaza at the Kerem Shalom crossing on June 18 (Source: COGAT)
Counting – and miscounting – Gaza aid trucks
UN admits it fails to track all aid...
Aid trucks crossing into Gaza in May 2021 (image: Shutterstock/Anas-Mohammed)
Aid delivery and distribution in Gaza: Logistical and security bottlenecks
On April 7, Israel suddenly announced it had...
UNRWA's Gaza headquarters (Image: Shutterstock)
Ignoring UNRWA’s problems will only condemn future generations of Palestinians
The Algemeiner - 1 May 2024   It’s...
Palestinians an injured man after an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, Gaza (Image: Anas Mohammed/ Shutterstock)
Deconstruction Zone: Citing Hamas’ Gaza casualty claims amounts to journalistic malpractice 
Thousands of civilians have tragically been killed in...
Aid trucks at the Kerem Shalom crossing (Image: Shutterstock)
Contrary to news stories, aid is getting to north Gazans without UNRWA’s help
Australian media reported on March 26 that the...
UNRWA's Gaza headquarters (Image: Shutterstock)
Backing UNRWA will not bring Middle East peace
An edited version of this article appeared in...
Image: Shutterstock
AIJAC “gravely disappointed” by Australian Government’s decision to resume UNRWA funding
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) expressed...
Image: Shutterstock
AIJAC calls on Australian Government to remain firm on UNRWA
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) calls...
UNRWA's school for girls in Gaza (Image: Shutterstock)
UNRWA and miseducating Palestinians
Proof that UNRWA employees were actively involved in...
Image: Shutterstock
Deconstruction Zone: UNRWA is a threat to coexistence
Like all things, books have their peak moment....
Pro-Palestinian protestors recently forced New Zealand’s PM Chris Luxon to leave one of the summer go-to events for politicians
AIR New Zealand: UNRWA and the fury of NZ’s anti-Israel activists
Pro-Palestinian protestors recently forced New Zealand’s Prime Minister...
Image: Shutterstock
UNRWA is unfit to deliver aid to Palestinians
Daily Telegraph - 29 February 2024   Many...