UN claims on Palestinian women invert the truth
August 8, 2019 | Tzvi Fleischer
The UN has produced another one of the anti-Israel absurdities for which it has become infamous. On July 23, the UN’s 54-nation Economic and Social Council voted 40-2, with 9 abstentions, to single out Israel as the only state in the world branded as a violator of women’s rights

Proscribing Hezbollah would serve two interests
August 2, 2019 | Colin Rubenstein
It is in our national interest, given Australia’s reliance on a rules-based liberal international order and freedom of navigation, to contribute to US pressure on Iran. But first and foremost, to counter the ongoing terror threat posed by Hezbollah

The Palestinian Authority needs to get its priorities straight
July 31, 2019 | Sharyn Mittelman
Before dismissing the Bahrain proposal, perhaps the PA should have asked the Palestinian people, whom polls show are overwhelmingly concerned about economic and quality-of-life issues, if they would like to have improved education, job prospects, healthcare, electricity and water management?

World must keep pressure on Iran over nuclear deal
July 22, 2019 | Ahron Shapiro
The announcement by Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani that Iran is willing to re-enter negotiations over its nuclear program if crippling sanctions are removed is evidence the US-led effort to pressure Iran in renegotiating the deeply flawed 2015 nuclear deal is beginning to bear fruit.

Iran lied, of course, and remains a nuclear threat
July 9, 2019 | Ran Porat
Tehran’s recent announcements that it has stockpiled more than 300kg of enriched uranium, and that it plans to enrich uranium to a 5 per cent level — thus breaching the 2015 nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action — are hardly a surprise.

Truth was the collateral damage
June 27, 2019 | Naomi Levin
This article was published in The Australian Jewish News on June 27 2019. Todd Sampson is a former top…

Australia should back up US pressure on Iran with sanctions of its own
June 26, 2019 | Colin Rubenstein
Australia should be doing whatever it can to contribute to the timely, calibrated and well-justified US-led strategy of increasing the pressure on Iran.

Intransigent Tehran must be sent a message on nuclear deal
June 11, 2019 | Colin Rubenstein
In his last major statement on the matter in December, Morrison announced that his government “will keep the option of additional autonomous sanctions under active review”. Now is time for that ongoing review to deliver a pivot on Australia’s stance on the Iran nuclear deal, drawing the proper conclusions from Iran’s behaviour since the 2015 deal

What are Russia, Iran and Cuba doing in Venezuela?
June 6, 2019 | Oved Lobel
Amid the continuing political, economic and humanitarian meltdown of Venezuela, an anti-American alliance consisting of Russia, Cuba and Iran is coalescing to counter US economic and diplomatic pressure on embattled President Nicolas Maduro.

Netanyahu’s re-election was Israel’s liberal democracy in action
May 16, 2019 | Ahron Shapiro
The re-election of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been described by some of his critics as a blow to democracy, or as evidence of Israel’s progression towards becoming an ‘illiberal democracy’.

Eurovision and the Greens’ green light for BDS
May 16, 2019 | Ahron Shapiro
With all the excitement about Australia being in the Eurovision grand final, it’s worth recalling that last May, Lee Rhiannon, a Greens senator at the time, pressured then SBS managing director Michael Ebeid to drop its broadcast because it would be held in Tel Aviv and therefore “could impact on Palestinians”.

Antisemitic vandalism during this federal election campaign ― why is it happening? what can be done?
May 14, 2019 | Naomi Levin
The swastika has made frequent appearances during the 2019 federal election campaign. This is upsetting, but not really surprising given the fact that Jewish communities around the world have recorded a recent increase in antisemitic activity.