Palestinian human rights and the road to a two-state peace/ Talking about Islamism
February 13, 2015
This Update features two comments which focus on human rights and governance in the Palestinian territories, and the relationship between these issues and the quest for a viable and lasting two-state peace. It also includes an important comment from noted American writer and intellectual Paul Berman on language use in the discussion of Islamist ideology.

An Emerging Iran deal?
February 12, 2015
US President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are both saying Iran now has to decide to accept or reject their proposals for a final nuclear deal and they do not plan to further extend the interim nuclear deal signed in 2013 – also extended twice. The outlines of what has been offered to Iran are now becoming clearer and have become subject to increasing criticism both in the US and elsewhere – this Update offers some comment on the US’s current Iran negotiating strategy and why concerns about the US proposal are so widespread.

Sinai’s Jihadists/ The rise of antisemitism
February 6, 2015
This Update contains two knowledgeable analysis pieces on the situation in Sinai, where the Egyptian security forces are battling an ISIS-linked group, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, which carried out a particularly spectacular series of coordinated mortar and truck bomb attacks last Thursday, leaving 33 people dead. It goes on to include another good piece on the rise of European antisemitism, especially in the wake of recent reports suggesting antisemitic attacks in Britain are at the highest ever level.

A Sydney Jew and an Indonesian Muslim walk into an Israeli synagogue…
February 5, 2015
AIJAC’s Jeremy Jones was interviewed on ABC Radio National’s “Religion and Ethics” program about leading a landmark AIJAC-sponsored delegation of Indonesian Muslim leaders to Israel, where they enjoyed an intensive week-long tour of the region…

Developments in Palestinian politics and society
February 5, 2015
This Update features three pieces discussing recent developments in Palestinian politics and society.
First up is the always insightful Palestinian affairs journalist Khaled Abu Toameh discussing the increasing power struggle going on between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Mohammed Dahlan, the former head of Abbas’ Fatah party in Gaza.

Washington’s Iran Policy under the Microscope
January 29, 2015
In the wake of US President Obama’s State of the Union speech last week, in which Iran was mentioned primarily in terms of the Administration’s strong opposition to new sanctions being proposed by Congress, US policy policy on Iran and its nuclear program has been engendering much critical commentary. Moreover, much of it is coming from writers and analysts not known for their generally critical approach to the Obama Presidency. This Update includes some key commentators discussing why they believe the Administration is getting this key element of US foreign policy wrong.

The Death of AMIA Prosecutor Alberto Nisman/ An Arab view on Islamism
January 23, 2015
This Update leads with the strange and suspicious death over the weekend of Argentinean prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who has been investigating the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish centre in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people, and has lately made dramatic allegations that the current Argentinean government is conspiring to prevent the Iranian culprits from being brought to justice. (These allegations appear to be supported by phone transcripts released by an Argentinean judge following Nisman’s death and summarised in the New York Times here.)