Obama and Bibi Meet in Washington
July 8, 2010
As readers are probably aware, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held a much-anticipated meeting at the White House on Tuesday night with US President Barack Obama. This Update looks at the issues discussed and affected by the Summit, and the details of what was said.

Gilad Shalit/ Tony Blair
June 30, 2010
As readers may be aware, the public campaign for the release of Gilad Shalit, captured by Hamas in a raid across the Gaza border four years ago, has heated up in Israel in recent weeks (though it has been a highly important and emotional issue since his capture). This Update looks at the reasons why the plight of this one soldier is so keenly felt in Israel.

Additional Autonomous Sanctions on Iran
June 25, 2010
This Update features analysis of the increasing trend of announcements of additional autonomous sanctions directed against Iran’s nuclear program in the wake of the passage of the UN Security Council’s new sanctions resolution, earlier this month. As noted in previous Updates, this trend incorporates the US, the EU, and Australia as well, with an announcement last week by Foreign Minister Stephen Smith of additional autonomous sanctions against two financial entities and an individual (This comes on top of autonomous sanctions Australia imposed in 2008).

Israel Eases Gaza Blockade/ Talking about Islamist Terrorism
June 22, 2010
As readers will be aware, the Israeli cabinet announced a major easing of the blockade of Gaza on Sunday, whereby from now on all items not on a list of prohibited and dual-use items will be allowed in. This Update looks at the new rules for the blockade.

Iran’s Green Movement, One Year Later
June 18, 2010
With this week marking the first anniversary of Iran’s fraudulent Presidential election and the mass “Green Movement” protests it sparked, this Update features a sampling of some of the many pieces commenting on the significance of events in Iran over the past year.

Israel’s Gaza Flotilla Inquiry
June 16, 2010
This Update focuses on some of the details of the Israeli decision to appoint an independent public Commission of Inquiry to look into the events of May 31, when 9 Turkish citizens were killed in a clash at sea as Israeli forces attempted to halt six ships running the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

The New Iran Sanctions Resolution
June 11, 2010
As readers are probably aware, a new UN Security Council sanctions resolution directed against Iran’s nuclear program was passed on Wednesday. This Update is devoted to analysis of the likely effect and efficacy of the compromise deal on sanctions that was eventually passed.

Turkey, Hamas and the Flotilla/ What really happened on the Marvi Marmara
June 9, 2010
This Update looks at a much-remarked element of the recent crisis over the Gaza Flotilla, the role of Turkey before and after the violent confrontation of May 31. It also includes the most complete summary of what is known about the details of that confrontation that we have yet seen.