Myth and Reality about the current terror wave in Israel
October 15, 2015
This Update contains further analysis of the roots and dynamics of the wave of terror attacks which have been rocking Israel in recent weeks and which saw a major upsurge Tuesday, with three Israelis killed and nine wounded in 4 terror attacks in Jerusalem and the Tel Aviv suburb of Ranaana. This followed a weekend which saw a dozen Israelis wounded in a series of stabbings, along with a suicide car bombing attempt.

The PA role in the escalating terrorist violence in Israel
October 9, 2015
Today’s Update takes a close look at the ongoing wave of terrorism that has engulfed Israel in recent days, and in particular the undeniable and disturbing role that the Palestinian Authority’s leadership has played by inciting the Palestinian public to violence against Israelis.

Abbas’ UN “Bombshell”
October 1, 2015
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas gave his much-foreshadowed speech at the UN General Assembly yesterday, and it only partially contained the “bombshell” that Palestinian sources repeatedly said it would. Amid a litany of accusations against Israel, and a rejection of renewed negotiations, Abbas did make a rather ambiguous statement that ” we cannot continue to be bound by” the Oslo Accords which he accused Israel of violating. However, he failed to offer any sort of specifics as to what this implied, turning this claim into more of a threat than a genuine change on the ground. This Update is devoted to analysis of Abbas’ claims and supposed “announcement”.

Media appearances by AIJAC guest Elliott Abrams
September 25, 2015
UPDATED – A selection of links to writings, quotes and media appearances by AIJAC’s distinguished guest Elliott Abrams – senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, Deputy National Security Adviser and Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and an assistant Secretary of State to President Ronald Reagan.

Media appearances by AIJAC guests Bassem Eid and Hillel Neuer
September 25, 2015
This post contains links to media by AIJAC guests Bassem Eid and Hillel Neuer during their recent visit to Australia and New Zealand.
Bassem Eid is founder of the East Jerusalem-based Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, while Hillel Neuer is executive director of UN Watch, a human rights NGO in Geneva, Switzerland.