Antisemitic campus extremists don’t understand meaning of free speech
May 16, 2024 | Ran Porat
While individuals have the right to express and share their views with the world, this does not grant a license to promote hate, violence, or reject others simply because they hold different opinions. Accountability accompanies our words. Freedom of speech does not equate to permission for harassment, threats, property damage, or undermining the rights of others.

Palestine vote the worst of all worlds for Australia
May 15, 2024 | Colin Rubenstein
It’s completely misguided as a way to advance Israeli-Palestinian peace… and can only undermine our long-standing bipartisan national commitment to a negotiated two-state peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Uni leaders must stand up for Jewish students
May 14, 2024 | Mark Leibler
It breaks my heart to contemplate the disconnect between my experience of university life and that of Jewish students in Australia and the United States today.

A new coalition against Iran
May 6, 2024 | Colin Rubenstein
For years, Iran has been orchestrating a vast plan to encircle Israel militarily and attack it constantly – openly saying this is intended to destroy Israel by 2040. Teheran’s ability to hide behind the proxies it finances, trains, arms and largely controls, with impunity for this blatant aggression, should now end.

Gaza protests not driven primarily by human rights concerns
May 3, 2024 | Oved Lobel
No encampments were set up across the world to protest the wars in Syria and Sudan, where so many more innocent Arab civilians died. And no other conflict has aroused the rabid passion and hate displayed against Israel, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

It’s Time to Stop the Latest Pandemic of Hate
May 3, 2024 | Colin Rubenstein
Nobody is saying that the right to protest shouldn’t be upheld, but only in keeping with laws and university regulations. That must include the right of Jewish students to attend classes without intimidation and fear – and this is not currently happening.

Antisemitism is the Same Old Story
May 3, 2024 | Justin Amler
The continuing inability of political and university leaders to show moral courage and emphatically call this violent hatred out has emboldened the demonstrators to such a degree that the protests continue to grow in strength and numbers, and the only people who seem to be “moved on” by police for their own “safety” are Jews

Ignoring UNRWA’s problems will only condemn future generations of Palestinians
May 2, 2024 | Justin Amler
UNRWA remains a serious problem, and by ignoring and whitewashing the evidence of its collusion with Hamas, future Palestinian generations will continue to be condemned to an education indoctrinated with hatred and violence rather than peaceful coexistence.

Israel-Iran conflict: Its origins explained, and what could happen next
April 22, 2024 | Ran Porat
For now, fears of escalation appear to have been eased. However, lurking in the background is the ongoing progress of the regime in Tehran towards acquiring a nuclear weapon. The 13 April Iranian attack on Israel offered yet further proof that Israel cannot allow Iran to build such weapons. Jerusalem can be expected to act to prevent this outcome, one way or another.

Emboldened Iran is still seeking nuclear capacity
April 18, 2024 | Colin Rubenstein
Only by resuming pressure on Iran to stand down its nuclear weapons program, including restoring a credible threat that no measures will be off the table if Tehran does not comply, can the world prevent the world’s most dangerous regime from arming itself with the world’s most dangerous weapons.

Move to recognise Palestine comes at the worst possible time
April 16, 2024 | Ahron Shapiro
Bestowing recognition to a Palestinian state before the Palestinians agree to peace with Israel through negotiations would always violate the Oslo Accords and be inherently counterproductive. However, coming in the middle of a war initiated by the Palestinian terror group Hamas, the timing for even considering such a step couldn’t be worse.

Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel was a strategic miscalculation. Can all-out war now be averted?
April 14, 2024 | Ran Porat
his unprecedented multi-front attack on Israel constitutes a de facto declaration of war and marks the first direct assault against Israel from Iranian soil. However, despite the scale of the operation, it appears to be a tactical failure.