Labor on the Trump peace plan
February 14, 2020 | Naomi Levin

Labor’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Senator Penny Wong has urged Israelis and Palestinians to return to direct negotiations in a statement to the Senate on February 11.
In her brief statement, Senator Wong reiterated the Australian Labor Party’s ongoing support for a two-state outcome between the Israelis and Palestinians.
She added that she believes US President Donald Trump’s peace plan has flaws.
“The reality of a peace plan is that if only one side of the conflict supports it there can be no peace,” she said.
See full statement below.
Senator WONG: I thank the Senate.
Labor notes that the US government released its vision for peace for the Israel-Palestinian conflict on 20 January 2020, and we acknowledge that this initiative declares support for an independent, sovereign state of Palestine.
However, the initiative predetermines a number of final-status issues, which weaken the viability of any future Palestinian state.
Whilst Israeli leaders support the plan, Palestinian leaders have rejected it.
The reality of a peace plan is that if only one side of the conflict supports it there can be no peace.
Labor also acknowledges concerns that the initiative may pave the way for Israeli annexation, which risks further regional destabilisation.
We can continue to support a just and durable two-state solution to the conflict and encourage both parties to pursue direct negotiations to that end.
Furthermore, we call on all parties to refrain from actions that hamper peaceful outcomes for both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.
Tags: Australia, Donald Trump, Israel, Palestinians, Penny Wong, United States

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