After Salam Fayyad
April 17, 2013
As readers are probably aware, Palestinian Authority PM Salam Fayyad – widely seen internationally as a competent, efficient and moderate state-builder – submitted his resignation on Saturday and had it accepted by President Mahmoud Abbas. This Update is devoted to analysis of how Fayyad’s resignation came about, and the implications of this change for the future of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Israeli-Palestinian relations.

Abbas-Fayyad ructions in the PA
April 12, 2013
This Update deals with the apparent political crisis within the Palestinian Authority, with reports saying Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has either submitted or plans to submit his resignation following growing disagreements with President Mahmoud Abbas and the wider Fatah movement he chairs (Fayyad is not a Fatah member).

Another unsuccessful round of Iran talks/ Israel gets gas
April 11, 2013
The latest round of talks over Iran’s nuclear program ended on the weekend with a meeting in Almaty, Kazakhistan, which concluded with little substantive progress and no agreement even about when talks might resume. Moreover, despite Iranian claims to have presented an offer in the latest talks, participants say it was actually, “some interesting, but not fully explained, general comments on our ideas” and an “apparent return to debating modalities for negotiations ” rather than any substantive proposal. Iran then followed up the end of the talks by announcing the opening of two new uranium mines and a yellowcake (uranium oxide) factory. This Update deals with the talks and the current state of the Iranian nuclear crisis.

Bassem Youssef and Egypt’s Future Course
April 5, 2013
This Update deals with growing signs that political and economic problems in Egypt may be coming to a head – problems which have been highlighted in the media primarily in the wake of the prosecution for various political “crimes” of Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef. It also features some analysis of the recent secret leadership elections within Hamas.