Syria and the extremist rebels/ Hamas’ latest terror tunnel
October 17, 2013
This edition of Updates from AIJAC focuses on the reality of growing Islamist extremism among Syrian rebels, the reasons this happened and what can be done, if anything, to increase the role of more moderate groups. It also focuses on the implication of the discovery of a new tunnel from Gaza into Israel, apparently designed to facilitate kidnappings or other terror attacks inside Israel.

An Israeli-Arab alliance on Iran?/ Cutting off US aid to Egypt
October 11, 2013
Today’s update centres on the growing policy congruence, some say amounting almost to a tacit alliance, between Israel and various Sunni Arab states, especially Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states – united by shared concerns about Iran and declining US regional influence. It also contains an analysis of the US Administration’s decision to cut off most of its military aid to Egypt earlier this week.

The regional decline of the Muslim Brotherhood?
October 10, 2013
This Update deals with increasing signs across the Middle East that – independently of the overthrow of the Egyptian government by the military in July – the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organisation for all modern Islamists, is on the skids. If this trend persists, it would be a major reversal of what once seemed to be the primary direction of the “Arab Spring” instability which has been rocking the region since late 2010 – and seemed previously to be mostly benefiting Islamists.

Overview of Developments in Gaza and the West Bank
October 4, 2013
Today’s Update focuses on the Israeli-Palestinian situation and highlights a number of important happenings that have taken a back seat while the mainstream media lavishes attention upon Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.
First, Khaled Abu Toameh analyses Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Abu Toameh criticises Abbas for devoting the bulk of his speech to attacking Israel and only Israel, whilst ignoring the suffering, slaughter and expulsion of Palestinians in neighbouring Arab countries such as Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.

Netanyahu’s Speech at the United Nations General Assembly
October 2, 2013
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly on October 1, 2013. He focused primarily on the potential threat of Iranian nuclear weapons to the security of Israel and the wider world. This post includes the full transcript of his speech plus the video.