Assessing the prospects of success for the Syrian peace talks
January 24, 2014
This Update looks at the “Geneva II” indirect talks between representatives of Syria’s government and some opposition groups. The talks, to nobody’s surprise, have not started off well, and practically all analysts have doubted they will result in any meaningful outcome.

Interim Iranian nuclear deal coming into effect
January 17, 2014
Last weekend, Iran and the P5+1 (US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany) reportedly reached agreement on technical arrangements to implement the interim “Joint Plan of Action” agreed on in Geneva in November to limit Iran’s nuclear work for six months in exchange for limited sanctions relief. While the details of the technical arrangements and timetable have not yet been released, and Iran says there is an informal 30-page document that has been agreed to, the actual Joint Plan of Action is now to go into effect from Monday, Jan. 20.

The Legacy of Ariel Sharon
January 14, 2014
This Update features three pieces reflecting on the legacy of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who died over the weekend after eight years in a coma.
We lead with Washington Institute for Near East Policy expert David Pollock. His article’s main point is to explore how Sharon, the great warrior and larger than life figure known for his decisiveness, may have been the only Israeli leader who could carry out the Gaza disengagement of 2005.

Elements of a “Framework Agreement”
January 10, 2014
With US Secretary of State John Kerry just having left the Mideast region Monday but expected to return next week, this Update looks at the prospects and some of the key issues for the “framework agreement” between Israel and the Palestinian Authority that he is reportedly working on to provide a basis for negotiations for both sides.

Aspects of Peacemaking
December 20, 2013
This Update contains insightful new articles dealing with three different important issues that will have to be resolved in any Israeli-Palestinian final peace agreement – or even a “framework agreement” of the sort that US Secretary of State John Kerry is trying to broker by April. Specifically, it deals with the subjects of recognition of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people, borders and settlements in the West Bank, and Palestinian refugees.