Where to now for Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking?
May 14, 2014
With the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks indefinitely suspended since the Fatah-Hamas deal in late April, this Update focuses on where the quest for peace might go from here.
First up is Dr. Robert Satloff, the executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, who takes as his starting point a much-analysed speech at the Institute a few days ago by American Middle East mediator (and former Australian) Martin Indyk.

Israel at 66
May 9, 2014
Israel marked its Independence day (Yom Hatzmaut) on Tuesday, and as usual, the occasion sparked some navel gazing about where the Jewish State is today, 66 years after its foundation. This Update features some of the most interesting examples.

‘I Abducted Your Girls’ – Boko Haram and the new face of Islamist terror
May 8, 2014
On April 14 militants from Boko Haram, a Nigerian based terrorist network, kidnapped 276 girls from their school in Chibok village, Northern Nigeria. That same day a bomb blast rocked the Nigerian capital Abuja killing 75, followed by a second bomb blast on May 1 in Nyanya killing 19 and injuring 34.

Israeli strategic experts on the latest nuclear negotiations with Iran
May 2, 2014
This Updates offers analysis from three leading Israeli strategic experts on the state of the nuclear negotiations with Iran, its prospects over coming weeks, and especially the significance of reports that progress had been made on some aspects of a nuclear deal, such as the fate of the plutonium-producing Arak heavy-water reactor Iran is building.

The latest Fatah-Hamas deal
May 1, 2014
Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement agreed to a unity deal with Hamas, which rules Gaza, last week – an agreement which appeared to rule out an extension of the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks whose scheduled end-date was Wednesday. This Update deals with the details, background, and implications of the deal, as well as the motivations of the players involved.