Video/Audio: Dr. Jonathan Spyer’s media and public appearances
December 15, 2014
AIJAC guest Dr. Jonathan Spyer is a Middle East analyst, author and journalist based at the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Centre in Israel. This post brings together his several media appearances and excerpts from his addresses at public functions. (UPDATED)

The Media and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict/Implications of the death of Ziad Abu Ein
December 11, 2014
This Update features a major new article from veteran journalist Matti Friedman – who worked for more than five years for the Jerusalem bureau of the Associated Press – on the sources of media mistakes and incomplete or slanted reporting on Israeli-Palestinian issues. Following up on an earlier piece on the biases and prejudices he witnessed there, he paints a larger picture of an international press corps in Israel which forms a distinct subculture “a certain uniformity of attitude, behavior, and even dress” and this subculture insists the Israel story is “a story of Jewish moral failure” and nothing should be published which detracts from this view.

Israel goes to the polls on March 17
December 5, 2014
Israel’s Knesset voted Wednesday to dissolve itself and call new elections on March 17. While a second and third reading are still required – scheduled to take place on Monday – early Israeli elections now look like a done deal. This Update deals with why the government was unable to complete even half its four year term and what might happen over coming months.

The latest extension to the Iranian nuclear talks
December 3, 2014
This Update deals with the implications and background to the announcement last week of an extenstion to the Iranian nuclear talks, between Iran and the so-called P5+1 (US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany) for another seven month past the original Nov. 24 deadline established by an interim agreement late last year (and then extended in June).

Israel’s controversial proposal for a “Basic Law: Israel the National State of the Jewish People”
November 27, 2014
Much is being written about a controversial Israeli cabinet decision on Sunday to send to the Knesset a “Basic Law” – that is a special law with constitutional status in Israel – that will enshrine into law Israel’s existing identity as the “nation-state of the Jewish people.” (A first vote on the bill in Israel’s Knesset is now scheduled for next Wednesday) Moreover, much of what is being written, both in Israel and internationally, including in Australia, appears to be riddled with factual inaccuracies and contradictions about key elements of the proposal. This Update is intended to provide background and analysis on what the cabinet decision actually means, the history of the proposal, and why there are both strong supporters and strong opponents of it in Israel.

The Jerusalem tinderbox in the wake of the Har Nof attack
November 21, 2014
Much is being written about the potentially explosive situation in Jerusalem in the wake of the bloody synagogue terror attack in the west Jerusalem neighbourhood of Har Nof on Tuesday, which left four rabbis and a Druze policeman dead. This Update features some particularly insightful contributions.
The first comes from noted Israeli author and intellectual Yossi Klein Halevi (who recently visited Australia). Halevi begins by comparing the reaction to the latest attack – cheered by large segments of Palestinian society – with the reaction in Israel to the comparable actions of the Jewish mass murderer Baruch Goldstein…