More commentary on the Iranian nuclear negotiations

More commentary on the Iranian nuclear negotiations

March 31, 2015

This Update looks at the latest commentary regarding the Iranian nuclear program, under the backdrop of the negotiations between the P5+1 and Iran in Lausanne.

Colonel Kemp's views on Israel and Gaza echoed other senior military officers

Colonel Kemp’s views on Israel and Gaza echoed other senior military officers

March 27, 2015 | Allon Lee

The recent visit to Australia by retired British Colonel Richard Kemp, who was commander of British forces in Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland and Iraq, generated national headlines when demonstrators tried to stop him from speaking, claiming he “supports genocide” for his assessment of last year’s war in Gaza (though he had not even mentioned either Israel or the Palestinians when the demonstrators attempted to shut down his talk).

Yet many people did not realise that Kemp is hardly alone among respected senior military figures willing to publicly voice their opinion that the Israeli Defence Forces’ tactics and conduct in last year’s war with Hamas were proportionate and reasonable…

Comment on elements of an Iran nuclear deal/ The collapse of Yemen

Comment on elements of an Iran nuclear deal/ The collapse of Yemen

March 27, 2015

This Update provides important analysis of potential problems, questions and complexities associated with the US-led effort to finalise a nuclear pact with Iran, with a “framework” agreement due by the end of this month. It also includes an important piece on the history and implications of recent developments in Yemen.

Letter: Palestinian intransigence

March 26, 2015 | Colin Rubenstein

Your editorial “Eight-state solution floated” (25/3), noted the Palestinian Authority stated in 2008 it would not accept a mini-state of cantons. However, that comment misrepresented what was being discussed. That year, Israel offered the Palestinians a contiguous state equal in size to the land in the West Bank, with a capital in East Jerusalem and a land bridge to Gaza. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas simply walked away…

Netanyahu confirms he never abandoned two-state vision

Netanyahu confirms he never abandoned two-state vision

March 20, 2015 | Ahron Shapiro

Following up on my blog of March 18, explaining how Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had been unfairly accused of dropping support for a two-state resolution, Netanyahu has confirmed in two post-election interviews that a two-state solution remains his longer-term goal, despite current obstacles.

Furthermore, AIJAC has located another pre-election interview where Netanyahu explained his current views on implementation of a two-state resolution. This further demonstrates that Netanyahu’s current denials do not constitute “backtracks” (as the New York Times has described them), but rather an attempt to correct the misrepresentation of his views in recent media reports.

More Post-Election Analysis from Israel

More Post-Election Analysis from Israel

March 20, 2015

Here is some more good analysis of the Israeli election on Tuesday and the unexpectedly strong win by incumbent PM Binyamin Netanyahu and his Likud party. A good discussion of the possible coalition configurations suggested by this outcome comes from Ben Sales of the JTA. This Update features further analysis of the various aspects of this result.

More on the under-reported realities of Gaza's stalled reconstruction

More on the under-reported realities of Gaza’s stalled reconstruction

March 19, 2015 | Glen Falkenstein

European Union (EU) envoys met in early March with officials in both the Israeli foreign ministry and Palestinian Authority (PA) to advance Gaza reconstruction. The envoys reportedly indicated to the Israelis that positive moves had been made on their part to rebuild Gaza, and they also criticised the PA for its lack of progress and co-operation.

Letter: Israel Furphies

March 19, 2015 | Jamie Hyams

Tony Walker (“Israel poll threatens Labor peace” 14-15 March) perpetuates a myth about the Israeli/Palestinian dispute – that the Netanyahu government is “committed to an expansion of Jewish settlements.” In fact, settlements have not expanded beyond their geographic boundaries since 2004, and housing starts in settlements were 19% less in the five years of the Netanyahu government than in the five previous years…

Audio: Dr. Colin Rubenstein discusses the Israeli election result on Sydney radio 2GB

March 19, 2015

Dr. Colin Rubenstein discussed the Israeli election result with Steve Price and Andrew Bolt on Sydney radio 2GB on Wednesday March 18, 2015…

If anything

If anything, a weakening of the far-right in Israel

March 18, 2015 | Ahron Shapiro

SBS called it a “shift to the hard right“, but they’re dead wrong.

With over 99 percent of the vote counted, it is apparent that the shift that actually occurred in yesterday’s Israeli election was in the opposite direction – a move of many far-right voters towards the centre, along with an impressive climb in support for the now-united Arab parties and a decrease in support for the ultra-Orthodox parties as a result of the split in Shas. In fact, overall, the final tally bears a remarkable resemblance to the 2013 election, with the exception of these significant developments.


Image: X

Pay-for-Slay is likely still Pay-for-Slay

Masjid al-Bayt al-Islami (Image: X)

AIJAC welcomes arrest of person who threatened mass violence against Muslims

Hostages Eli Sharabi, 52 (left), and Or Levy, 34, prior to their release on February 8 (Image: Shutterstock)

Fact Sheet: Recently released hostages reveal stories of horrific mistreatment  

Israeli flags in Hostages and Missing Square, Tel Aviv, marking a mourning day dedicated to the first return of casualties from Gaza (Image: Shutterstock)

A month of hostage horrors

Gaza today is a “demolition site”, President Trump has argued (Image: Shutterstock)

Essay: “Gaza shall be forsaken”