More commentary on the Iranian nuclear negotiations
March 31, 2015
This Update looks at the latest commentary regarding the Iranian nuclear program, under the backdrop of the negotiations between the P5+1 and Iran in Lausanne.

Comment on elements of an Iran nuclear deal/ The collapse of Yemen
March 27, 2015
This Update provides important analysis of potential problems, questions and complexities associated with the US-led effort to finalise a nuclear pact with Iran, with a “framework” agreement due by the end of this month. It also includes an important piece on the history and implications of recent developments in Yemen.

More Post-Election Analysis from Israel
March 20, 2015
Here is some more good analysis of the Israeli election on Tuesday and the unexpectedly strong win by incumbent PM Binyamin Netanyahu and his Likud party. A good discussion of the possible coalition configurations suggested by this outcome comes from Ben Sales of the JTA. This Update features further analysis of the various aspects of this result.