The Big Picture of the Mideast Conflict – and the Palestinian role in it
April 17, 2015
This Update leads with a magisterial attempt to summarise the big picture of what is going in the Middle East from noted Israeli academic analyst Dr. Jonathan Spyer. Spyer describes the Middle East of recent years as undergoing “a political convulsion of historic proportions”, with Iran and its allies poised to take advantage of the collapse of authority in states which seemed stable a mere few years ago, and a Saudi-led Sunni alliance now determinedly seeking to counter this.

The Iranian Regime and the Nuclear “Framework” understanding
April 15, 2015
This Update offers more on the framework “understanding” reached between the P5+1 and Iran two weeks ago outlining the term of a future nuclear deal – especially in the wake of public denunciations of key elements of the claimed agreement by Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Hassam Rouhani. (Indeed, some analysts – including American columnist Jonah Goldberg and Israeli analyst Yigal Carmon – are openly questioning whether there is anything that can properly be called an agreement in existence at all, given the differences being enunciated by those who supposedly agreed on the framework.)

The Iranian nuclear framework deal
April 7, 2015
This Update takes an initial look at the controversial Iranian nuclear framework deal that was verbally agreed to by US and P5+1 and Iranian negotiators late last week in Lausanne, as well as a good overview of the ongoing degeneration of countries across the Middle East into fractured lands dominated by militias.

Iranian nuclear talks, Israel at the UN
April 2, 2015
This Update continues to follow the extended Iranian nuclear talks in Lausanne, as well as provide a timely overview of Israel’s situation in the United Nations.
First up, Washington Institute’s Mehdi Khalaji analyses the way the current nuclear talks have been reported within Iran, in Farsi. He says that the Iranian regime is raising expectations from Iranians for what they should expect from any acceptable deal, particularly concerning the removal of all sanctions - including those not directly related to Iran’s nuclear program.