Abbas moving to step down?/ Israel buys Kurdish Oil
August 27, 2015
This Update features two article discussing this week’s decision by Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas to resign as chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) executive committee, along with numerous other members, and call a new special session of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) to elect a new committee. Some see this move as a sign the 79-year-old Abbas may be preparing to leave office. In this Update, Palestinian politics experts look at the likely intent and impact of this move, and there’s also a discussion of the significance of reports that Israel has recently been importing most of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan, via Turkey.

Congressional Comment on Iran Deal/IAEA document shows Iran to inspect itself at Parchin
August 21, 2015
With US debate about last month’s Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, continuing to foment in the lead up an expected Congressional vote in September, this Update two articles from Congressional leaders explaining their reasons for planning to oppose the deal. It also includes some new information, uncovered by the Associated Press, about an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) side-deal with Iran concerning the investigation of the Parchin site – long alleged to be a centre for Iran’s nuclear weaponisation research – that is almost certain to excite even more Congressional opposition.

New Hamas revelations – and strategy to gain legitimacy
August 14, 2015
Today’s Update focuses on the implications of some new revelations about Hamas’ strategy and military preparations against Israel based on the interrogation of a Hamas operative captured by Israel in July. It also looks at Hamas’ regional charm offensive to gain legitimacy, and the important divisions within the terrorist group.

Arguments about the Iran Deal
August 13, 2015
This Update features contributions to the intense debate still occurring about the G5+1 nuclear deal reached with Iran in mid-July – especially as the US Congress moves to vote on the agreement. In particular, it highlights some responses being offered to arguments for the deal being put forward by the US Administration and its allies.

Video: Dr. Jonathan Fine on the role of religion in terrorism
August 11, 2015
Israeli counter-terror expert Dr. Jonathan Fine was interviewed by AIJAC in Melbourne on the role of religion in contemporary global terrorism.

Jewish Terrorism in Israel
August 7, 2015
Israel has been discussing and struggling with two major issues this week – what appears to be a Jewish firebombing terror attack on homes in the West Bank Palestinian town of Duma, which left Ali Saad Dawabsha, an 18-month-old child, dead, and members of his family fighting for their lives, plus a stabbing attack on Jerusalem’s Gay Pride parade, which led to the death of a 16-year-old girl and injuries to five other people. Statements on the attacks from Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders are summarised here.

Syria Cheating on Chemical Deal/ Implication for Iran Nuclear Agreement
July 31, 2015
This Update looks at some new revelations that Syria appears to have escaped divesting itself of all its chemical weapons, as promised in a 2013 deal, and also how the Syrian case affects claims about the Iranian nuclear deal negotiated earlier this month.