Israeli policy responses to the terror wave
December 4, 2015
The wave of stabbing attacks on Israelis continues, with attacks virtually every day – though it seems to be getting less and less media coverage. (There was a shooting attack yesterday, three significant attacks on Tuesday, and two more on Sunday. A useful spreadsheet of all attacks this year – including many never reported – is here.) This Update deals with some of Israel’s efforts to respond – as well as why this violence continues.

Iran’s Anti-American Backlash/ Syria Diplomacy
November 12, 2015
This Update leads with the reality that, contrary to likely expectations of the US Administration, the Iran nuclear deal appears not only troubled in terms of Iran trying to re-write its terms prior to implementation, but appears also to be doing the opposite of creating a rapprochement between Teheran and the US. It also features some intelligent comment on recent efforts to seek a diplomatic resolution on Syria, including inviting Russia and Iran to join the talks in Vienna a couple of weeks ago.