Bibi’s travels
July 8, 2016
Today’s Update looks at Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s historic trip to Africa, which is about to conclude. Whilst there, he visited, and met with the leaders of, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Rwanda. His first stop was Uganda, where he commemorated the famous 1976 Israeli rescue of the hostages from the country’s Entebbe airport. The operation was renamed Operation Yonatan, in honour of Mr. Netanyahu’s older brother, who led the operation and was killed there. More information is contained in Aaron Torop’s blog post here.

Road to Reconciliation: Israel and Turkey
July 6, 2016
Last week brought news that Israel and Turkey are set to restore full diplomatic ties, ending the six-year impasse that followed Israel’s interception of the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has heralded the deal as “an agreement of strategic importance” that will improve stability in the region, but it may be too soon to start celebrating.

Analysing the deal to normalise Turkish-Israeli relations
June 29, 2016
Today’s Update looks at the significance of the deal announced between Israel and Turkey to re-establish full diplomatic relations which have been in the doldrums since the deaths of Turkish citizens in the Mavi Marmara naval incident in 2010 when a flotilla tried to breach Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza and Israeli commandos enforcing it were violently attacked.

Terror Wave subsides amid worrying signs in Palestinian society/ Discrediting ISIS
June 24, 2016
This Update features some pieces on some worrying developments in Palestinian society – even as the current wave of knife violence seems to be subsiding overall (notwithstanding the Tel Aviv Sarona market attack earlier this month). Plus, following up on the last Update on the aftermath of Orlando, it also includes an important piece on his to discredit ISIS from veteran American Middle East mediator Amb. Dennis Ross.