The Aftermath of UNSC Resolution 2334
January 6, 2017
This Update deals with the implications and aftermath of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSC) 2334 (the text of the resolution is here) , which passed 14-0 with the US abstaining, on Dec. 23. The controversial resolution condemns Israel over settlements, and has a number of other provisions likely to affect Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking in the future, as discussed below.

Trump’s controversial ambassadorial pick
December 21, 2016
Today’s Update looks at US President-elect Donald Trump’s announcement that David Friedman is his pick for the next US Ambassador to Israel. Friedman has worked for Trump as a legal adviser for many years and holds a range of positions on Israel that are markedly different to the outgoing Obama Administration, including questioning the merits of the two-state formula for peace. A good profile of Friedman from the New York Times’ Isabel Kershner and Sheryl Gay Stolberg can be found here.

The imminent fall of Aleppo and the Trump Administration
December 5, 2016
With the Assad regime, and its Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies, making major in-roads into the rebel-head eastern district of Aleppo, it now looks like only a matter of time until the city falls to the regime. With US President-elect Trump having pledged to ignore the Syrian conflict and to seek a partnership with Russia, but also having pledged to fight back against the Iranian drive to dominate the region, and with the fall of Aleppo likely to provide a major boost to the Iranian axis – the events in Syria look likely to place the Trump Administration in a dilemma over Syria when they take over. This Update features analysis of that dilemma.

Moving the US Embassy in Israel/ End of Israel’s Population Bomb?
November 24, 2016
This Update deals with the possibility US President-elect Donald Trump may fulfill a campaign pledge and move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Israel’s actual capital since 1950, Jerusalem, as a a US law passed in 1995 requires.