Video: Colin Rubenstein on 18C on SkyNews
March 2, 2017
Dr Colin Rubenstein responds to the report of the Parliamentary Inquiry into Free Speech and the role of clause 18C

A regional approach to Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking?
March 2, 2017
The Update offers a few articles on the idea of a “regional peace”, the idea being canvassed by both the Israeli government and the Trump Administration that the Sunni Arab states, who today see Israel as an ally against Iran, might be the key to making Israeli-Palestinian peace. (A good example of advocacy for this approach comes from Israeli Minister of Intelligence Israel Katz in this interview in the Washington Post.

Video: Israeli PM Netanyahu and Australian PM Turnbull Meet Jewish Community in Sydney
February 24, 2017
Video highlights: Israeli PM Netanyahu and Australian PM Turnbull meet Jewish Community in Sydney…

Livestream of Netanyahu-Turnbull community event
February 22, 2017
The communal event taking place in Sydney at 6:00 pm with the Prime Minister of Israel, His Excellency Benjamin Netanyahu and the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, will be live streamed on the web.

The Trump-Netanyahu meeting
February 17, 2017
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu travelled to Washington on Wednesday for his first summit with new US President Donald Trump since his inauguration, in a visit that was generally seen as important for both US-Israeli relations during Trump’s term in office and for setting a baseline for the Trump Administration’s policy on Middle East peacemaking. Most of the media headlines about the summit have focused on the initial press conference and especially Trump’s remark, when asked about the two-state solution, “I’m looking at two states and one state, and I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like. I can live with either one…” (The media conference can viewed in full here, while a transcript is here.)

The Trump Administration and Iran’s missile tests
February 10, 2017
This Update deals with Iran’s test of a ballistic missile last week (actually, there were also reports of an alleged nuclear-capable cruise missile test which received less attention), the Trump Administration’s response including some new sanctions, and the implications of both for the Trump Administration’s overall Iran policy.