International Intervention in Libya?
March 4, 2011
Today’s Update deals with the international debate over whether outside parties can or should intervene in the conflict in Libya between long-serving eccentric dictator Muammar Gaddafi and the rebels seeking his overthrow.
First up, reviewing the strategic realities of the current conflict is Michael Knights, a military expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He reviews the course of the fighting so far, and the relative success the Gaddafi forces have had in using their greater mobility to squeeze rebel pockets in Western Libya (though they remain unable to dent the rebel-held towns of the East.)

Israel and the Middle East Unrest/Bernard Lewis
March 3, 2011
This Update features an interpretation of the Middle East unrest by probably the world’s greatest scholar of Middle East history – 94-year-old Prof. Bernard Lewis. But first it also features some important new commentary on the ways in which an excessive focus on Israel has distorted both understanding of the Mideast region, and more importantly, policy toward the Arab dictators.

Libya unrest continues
February 25, 2011
The unrest and violence in Libya continue, with allegations of thousands killed, terrible stories coming from refugees, and dictator Muammar Gaddafi apparently consolidating his hold over the capital Tripoli even as rebels gain control of more and more other towns. This Update is devoted to provide the background, details and analysis to help understand both what is happening in Libya and what is at stake.

Mideast unrest spreads – Libya, Iran, Bahrain and beyond
February 21, 2011
The Middle East unrest that started in Tunisia and then forced Mubarak out in Egypt continues to spread – Libya is the latest hotspot, while serious unrest continues to afflict Iran and Bahrain, as well as other states including Yemen, Algeria, Morocco

The Path to Egyptian Democracy
February 17, 2011
With the military now in charge in Egypt and promising to submit a revised constitution to a referendum in two months, and then proceed to a general election, the obvious question is; will this lead to something resembling genuine democracy in Egypt?

Beyond Egypt – The Changing Middle East
February 11, 2011
This Update moves beyond a focus on the immediate drama continuing in Egypt to look at the changing realities across the Middle East. First up, the alway insightful Robert Satloff – head of the Washington Insitute for Near East Policy – offers a set of new ideas for US policy