Back to the negotiating table?
January 12, 2012
The last two weeks have seen two meetings in Amman Jordan between Israeli and Palestinian representatives, in what are being called “preparatory talks”, but are the first direct public contacts between the two sides since 2010. (Some more details on the latest rounds of talks are reported here, here and here.)
A good backgrounder from BICOM on both the significance of the talks and the political factors influencing them is first up. It puts the meetings in the context of the Quartet efforts to restart talks and significant pressure on the Palestinian side to renew negotiations, and discusses what is known about the contents of the two meetings.

“Observing” the massacres in Syria/ Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood
January 6, 2012
Today’s Update features two pieces on the situation in Syria, where 20 civilians were reportedly killed yesterday, bringing the death toll close to 6,000 according to rebel leaders, despite the presence of a team of Arab League observers in the country.
First up is David Kenner of Foreign Policy, detailing the fact that the head of the Arab League observers mission, Sudanese Gen. Mohammad Ahmed Mustafa al-Dabi, is himself alleged to have been involved in genocide in Darfur. The allegations are that General al-Dabi was responsible for creating the Arab “Janjaweed” militias responsible for most of the massacres there. Kenner makes it clear that given this and other problems with the Arab League mission, which he discusses, “Syrians are still very much alone.”

Don’t throw stones!
December 23, 2011
Two recent stories in the Australian newspaper by Middle East correspondent John Lyons – “Stone cold justice” (Weekend Australian Magazine, Nov. 26) http://tinyurl.com/6puavp9 and “Rudd seeks action on torture allegations involving Palestinian children” (Australian, Dec. 17) http://tinyurl.com/6rdzqjr – have generated a degree of controversy about Israel’s judicial treatment of Palestinian minors in the West Bank accused of using stones and rocks as weapons.
On Dec. 3, the Australian published an opinion piece from NGO Monitor’s Gerald Steinberg that provides context for the treatment of Palestinian minors and largely disputes the substance of the claims made in Lyons’ stories. Steinberg’s article can be read here – http://tinyurl.com/7m6j3wf…