Dr. Colin Rubenstein discusses Australian Government decision on east Jerusalem
June 10, 2014
Dr. Colin Rubenstein appeared on “The World Today” (June 6) on ABC Radio discussing the Australian government’s decision to cease using the word “occupied” to describe east Jerusalem.

Submission on Freedom of Speech (Repeal of S.18C) Bill 2014
April 30, 2014
This document constitutes the submission by the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) to Attorney-General George Brandis regarding proposed amendments to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (RDA)…
AIJAC maintains that the provisions of Part IIA of the RDA have worked effectively for nearly 20 years, and that there is not a compelling reason for repeal or wholesale reform.

Video: Ehud Yaari on Israel and the Middle East
January 15, 2013
Ehud Yaari addressed an AIJAC luncheon on Monday 14 January 2013 on the following topics:
- Australia and Israel, including Woodside’s successful bid for developing Israel’s gas reserves
- Israel’s elections
- Egypt and challenges for the region
- Syria
- Israel, the Palestinians and the Two-State outcome
- Iran’s march towards nuclear weapons capability and American and Israeli strategy

John Howard comments on Israel, the Middle East
December 10, 2012
The former Prime Minister John Howard spoke at a dinner in Sydney conferring upon him AIJAC’s Distinguished Leadership Award, attended by 280 supporters on November 29.
He was introduced by AIJAC National Chairman Mark Leibler at the function MC’ed by AIJAC’s NSW Chairman Barry Smorgon, received his award from Frank Lowy and a vote of thanks from AIJAC Executive Director Dr Colin Rubenstein.

Dr. Tal Becker on ABC Radio National
September 20, 2012
AIJAC guest Dr. Tal Becker, an Israeli senior political adviser and peace negotiator, was interviewed on ABC Radio National on Israel, Iran and the Arab Spring.

Dr. Daniel Pipes in the Australian media
August 29, 2012
AIJAC guest Dr Daniel Pipes’ recent lectures and appearances in the Australia, including Sydney radio 2GB and the Centre for Independent Studies.

Dr. P R Kumaraswamy talks on the history of India-Israel relations
July 17, 2012
Dr. P R Kumaraswamy talks about the history of India-Israel relations, as part of an AIJAC Breakfast lecture held in Melbourne on July 16.
Dr. Kumaraswamy is a Professor with the Centre for West Asian Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India. He has studied Israel since 1982 and is the author of India’s Israel Policy, published by Columbia University Press in 2010.

Dr. Meir Litvak talks about the impact of the “Arab Spring” on Israel
July 6, 2012
Dr. Meir Litvak talks about the impact of the “Arab Spring” on Israel, as part of an AIJAC Breakfast lecture held in Melbourne on June 29.
Dr. Litvak is a senior researcher at the Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University and a senior lecturer in its Middle Eastern Studies Department…

Dr. Jonathan Spyer in the Australian media
June 4, 2012
AIJAC guest Dr Jonathan Spyer has discussed Syria and the wider Middle East in recent appearances in the Australian media, including ABC Radio National, ABC News 24, Sky News, 2GB radio and lectures at the Sydney Institute and the Centre for Independent Studies. (links)

Dr Emanuele Ottolenghi in the Australasian media
March 29, 2012
AIJAC guest Dr Emanuele Ottolenghi’s recent appearances in the Australasian media, including ABC radio, Sky News and lectures at the Lowy Institute, the Australian Institute of International Affairs and the Centre for Independent Studies. (links)