Australia must do more about Iran
August 25, 2023 | Oved Lobel
Instead of focusing solely on Israeli–Palestinian issues, Australian pressure should also be directed towards the Iranian regime over its piracy, terrorism, nuclear program, regional destabilisation, weapons proliferation and material support for Russia.

The ABC gets settlements wrong, again
August 23, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro
By leaving out facts that don’t fit the story’s narrative… the ABC avoided showing its news audience the reality that is far more complex than the simplistic morality play the segment would suggest.

Why those who claim the illegality of West Bank settlements is “settled law” are wrong
August 23, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro
If the arguments presented in the essays and papers above are challenging to process for the layperson, that is to be expected. International Law deals with legal principles and precedents that demand a specialisation within the legal academic community.
Which is why neither journalists, nor activists, nor politicians, are qualified to declare what international law is on this vexed issue.

Australia’s ongoing near silence on Iran
August 11, 2023 | Oved Lobel
It took months for Australia to even condemn Iran for its support of Russia’s war in Ukraine, support that has only increased and now includes not only drones and body armour, but artillery shells and millions of rounds of small arms ammunition, as well – a reality Australia alone among our allies seems to be ignoring.

Israel and Vietnam – A relationship dating back to Ben-Gurion and Ho Chi Minh
August 8, 2023 | Alana Schetzer
Today, 77 years after Ho’s offer to Ben-Gurion, Vietnam is one of Israel’s strongest allies in Asia. The two countries have just celebrated 30 years of formal diplomatic relations, topping it off by signing a free trade agreement.

Iran expands its military presence in South America
August 3, 2023 | Oved Lobel
Bolivia, which moved back into Iran’s orbit in 2020, reportedly inked a memorandum of understanding on defence and security with Iran following the Bolivian Defence Minister’s visit to the country on July 20 that may result in the delivery of Iranian drones to the country. Iran’s Defence Minister Mohammad Reza Ashtiani declared the defence agreement with Bolivia “has the potential to serve as a pioneering model for other nations in South America.”

Israeli army moves to centre-stage in judicial reform controversy
July 26, 2023 | Ran Porat
Even if a compromise is achieved in the future, the damage inflicted on the IDF by this episode will take a long time to repair. Inner cohesion and the commitment of Israeli soldiers to serve in the army have been crucial components of the IDF success as the “people’s army”. Both are now in question.

Three reasons Australia should help protect the International Court of Justice
July 24, 2023 | Greg Rose
Australia did the right thing in late December and voted against a very problematic and controversial resolution of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York.

Wait, what? West Bank settlements mired in massive housing slump
July 20, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro
While it may sound surprising and counterintuitive, the numbers don’t lie: Despite recent well-publicised efforts by key right-wing legislators in…

Israel and Fiji: A Shared Interest in Peace and Fighting Climate Change
July 12, 2023 | Alana Schetzer
Israel and Fiji may seem like an unusual pairing, but since diplomatic relations were established in 1970, the Middle Eastern and Pacific Ocean countries have forged partnerships across security and peacekeeping, and especially issues related to climate change.

China still doesn’t care about the Middle East
June 29, 2023 | Oved Lobel
By all accounts, China still has little interest in playing a direct political role in the Middle East.

A Response to Gareth Evans’ “The case for recognising Palestine”
June 16, 2023 | Jamie Hyams
Gareth Evans’ “The case for recognising Palestine” (published in The Conversation on June 15) might appear superficially plausible, but closer examination reveals many flaws, including the omission or misstating of fundamental facts.