IAEA head Rafael Grossi (Image: Dean Calma/Flickr)

Sept. 2023 IAEA report: Iran lies and edges even closer to nuclear weapons

September 12, 2023 | Ran Porat

Attempts to present a positive spin on the Agency’s latest findings about Iran’s nuclear weapons program amount to nothing more than a smokescreen.  

A room in Herod the Great's palace near Jericho (image: Flickr/Ian Scott)

Is UNESCO Going to Erase Jewish History From Another Israeli City?

September 11, 2023 | Justin Amler

UNESCO is supposed to be a body that preserves the cultural history of the world. Yet by furthering and facilitating the Palestinian agenda of erasing Jewish history from the Land of Israel, UNESCO is not only failing in its mission, but completely subverting it by participating in the corruption and falsification of history itself.

PNG Prime Minister James Marape opens the PNG Embassy in Jerusalem with Israeli PM Netanyahu (GPO/Screenshot)

Israel and PNG: A relationship built upon faith

September 8, 2023 | Alana Schetzer

After some months of anticipation, Papua New Guinea (PNG) opened its embassy in Israel’s capital Jerusalem on September 5, with visiting PNG Prime Minister James Marape declaring it a “milestone moment” for the Christian-majority South Pacific nation.


Organised crime, police crisis fuel Arab murder epidemic in Israel

September 6, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro

A leadership body representing Israel’s Arab communities called a “state of emergency” and a general strike on September 5 to protest intra-Arab violent crime, murders and assassinations, which have soared to unprecedented levels this year.

Iran Protests (52383779726)

Australia must do more about Iran

August 25, 2023 | Oved Lobel

Instead of focusing solely on Israeli–Palestinian issues, Australian pressure should also be directed towards the Iranian regime over its piracy, terrorism, nuclear program, regional destabilisation, weapons proliferation and material support for Russia.

Pnei Kedem outpost

The ABC gets settlements wrong, again

August 23, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro

By leaving out facts that don’t fit the story’s narrative… the ABC avoided showing its news audience the reality that is far more complex than the simplistic morality play the segment would suggest.

The settlement of Neve Daniel

Why those who claim the illegality of West Bank settlements is “settled law” are wrong

August 23, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro

If the arguments presented in the essays and papers above are challenging to process for the layperson, that is to be expected. International Law deals with legal principles and precedents that demand a specialisation within the legal academic community.

Which is why neither journalists, nor activists, nor politicians, are qualified to declare what international law is on this vexed issue.


Australia’s ongoing near silence on Iran

August 11, 2023 | Oved Lobel

It took months for Australia to even condemn Iran for its support of Russia’s war in Ukraine, support that has only increased and now includes not only drones and body armour, but artillery shells and millions of rounds of small arms ammunition, as well – a reality Australia alone among our allies seems to be ignoring. 

(Front) Vietnam's Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien (left) and his Israeli counterpart Nir Barkat sign the FTA between Vietnam and Israel, while behind are Vietnamese Deputy PM Tran Luu Quang and Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu, July 25, 2023 (Image courtesy of Vietnam's Ministry of Industry and Trade)

Israel and Vietnam – A relationship dating back to Ben-Gurion and Ho Chi Minh

August 8, 2023 | Alana Schetzer

Today, 77 years after Ho’s offer to Ben-Gurion, Vietnam is one of Israel’s strongest allies in Asia. The two countries have just celebrated 30 years of formal diplomatic relations, topping it off by signing a free trade agreement.

Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro meets Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in 2016

Iran expands its military presence in South America

August 3, 2023 | Oved Lobel

Bolivia, which moved back into Iran’s orbit in 2020, reportedly inked a memorandum of understanding on defence and security with Iran following the Bolivian Defence Minister’s visit to the country on July 20 that may result in the delivery of Iranian drones to the country. Iran’s Defence Minister Mohammad Reza Ashtiani declared the defence agreement with Bolivia “has the potential to serve as a pioneering model for other nations in South America.”



IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

AIJAC deplores ICJ Advisory Opinion

The “encampment” at the University of Sydney (Image: X/Twitter)

A university is for a multiplicity of ideas

UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese (Image: Shutterstock)

Israel’s hardest war is fighting the lies waged against it

Palestinians distribute drinking water to displaced people in Gaza City (Image: Anas Mohammed/ Shutterstock)

The truth about water in Gaza


IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

AIJAC deplores ICJ Advisory Opinion

The “encampment” at the University of Sydney (Image: X/Twitter)

A university is for a multiplicity of ideas

UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese (Image: Shutterstock)

Israel’s hardest war is fighting the lies waged against it

Palestinians distribute drinking water to displaced people in Gaza City (Image: Anas Mohammed/ Shutterstock)

The truth about water in Gaza