Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh speaks during a press conference at the Foreign Press Association in the West Bank city of Ramallah, on Tuesday, June 9, 2020. (Abbas Momani/Pool Photo via AP)

The Misdirections of Palestinian PM Mohammed Shtayyeh

December 2, 2020 | Judy Maynard

While there may be two sides to every story, this does not make them equally true. Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh has been on something of a diplomatic offensive of late and, for those who value truth, “offensive” is an appropriate word.

Iranian state media shows prisoners being welcomed back to Teheran. It is believed the man in the wheelchair is Saeid Moradi.

Who are the Iranian men reportedly released in exchange for Kylie Moore-Gilbert? 

November 26, 2020 | Naomi Levin

Who are the three Iranian men, all convicted of terrorism offences, reportedly released in exchange for University of Melbourne academic Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert? 

2018 World Health Assembly

WHO General Assembly wastes time and resources on condemnation of Israel

November 26, 2020 | Judy Maynard

The abridgement of the 73rd World Health Assembly (WHA) in May due to the pandemic might have forced the postponement until Nov. 12 of the annual Israel-bashing exercise, but not even COVID-19 was going to push that item off the agenda indefinitely. For some at the WHO, political point scoring is where their real focus lies.

Left to right: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Was Iran a winner or a loser in the Armenia-Azerbaijan war?

November 25, 2020 | Oved Lobel

While both Russia and Iran were unhappy with Turkey’s war and especially its decision to send Syrian mercenaries, neither has lost anything as a result of the outcome. Russia has gained an even greater hold over the region, Turkey has successfully replaced multilateral mechanisms with a Turkey-Russia bilateral substitute, and Iran – an ally of Russia and friend of Turkey’s – will also only gain from the new arrangements.

Credit: massmatt/Flickr

Bipartisan support for Israel clear winner in 2020 US election 

November 13, 2020 | Ahron Shapiro

With the last of mail-in votes being counted and winners determined in all but 15 House and two Senate races, a clear winner has already emerged in this month’s US election: Bipartisan support for Israel.

2018 World Health Assembly

WHO set to continue anti-Israel politicisation at this year’s World Health Assembly

November 11, 2020 | Judy Maynard

In spite of the repeated warnings by World Health Organisation (WHO) chief Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus against politicising “the virus”, there seems far less concern on the part of its leadership about the destructive politicisation of the WHO itself. Indeed the WHA, the WHO’s central decision-making body, appears set to continue with its annual exercise in demonising Israel, the only country among the WHO’s 194 member states to ever be singled out for condemnation.

6th Israel-Cyprus-Greece trilateral in Jerusalem, March 2019 (Right to Left: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades; Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu; former Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras)

Turkey’s provocative actions in the Mediterranean spark a reaction

November 9, 2020 | Oved Lobel

There has been a pronounced regional realignment with substantial US backing, and large-scale Israeli participation, laying a solid foundation for the containment of Turkey.  

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Interview: AIJAC’s Ahron Shapiro with SBS Radio’s Nitza Lowenstein on the delayed result of the US Presidential Election

November 9, 2020

If you talk about popular vote I think the Democrats have an advantage but Trump has much more support than perhaps was obvious to people in Australia or in perhaps even Israel… Turns out he was quite popular but was he was popular enough to win the popular vote or even the electoral college vote? Very unlikely. As things stand now he will probably lose the election regardless of the of the court challenge.

ABC managing director David Anderson with ABC editorial director Craig McMurtrie during Senate Estimates.

ABC considering IHRA antisemitism definition

November 6, 2020 | Naomi Levin

ABC Managing Director David Anderson says he has considered incorporating the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism into the public broadcaster’s editorial policies.


Remembering Yitzhak Rabin, Israel’s military hero turned martyr for peace

November 4, 2020 | Sharyn Mittelman

The legacy of Rabin’s life and death have lessons for us today, especially as democracies increasingly grapple with the dangers of rising populism and extremism.



IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

AIJAC deplores ICJ Advisory Opinion

The “encampment” at the University of Sydney (Image: X/Twitter)

A university is for a multiplicity of ideas

UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese (Image: Shutterstock)

Israel’s hardest war is fighting the lies waged against it

Palestinians distribute drinking water to displaced people in Gaza City (Image: Anas Mohammed/ Shutterstock)

The truth about water in Gaza


IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

AIJAC deplores ICJ Advisory Opinion

The “encampment” at the University of Sydney (Image: X/Twitter)

A university is for a multiplicity of ideas

UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese (Image: Shutterstock)

Israel’s hardest war is fighting the lies waged against it

Palestinians distribute drinking water to displaced people in Gaza City (Image: Anas Mohammed/ Shutterstock)

The truth about water in Gaza