Mapping a terrorist empire: New Hezbollah resource again makes the case for Australia to ban the Lebanese group
August 7, 2020 | Oved Lobel
The first thing that strikes viewers is just how active Hezbollah has been outside Lebanon, including in Southeast Asia and Australia.

Australia’s parliament does not need “parliamentary friendship” with Iran’s Majlis
August 4, 2020 | AIJAC staff, Tzvi Fleischer
On July 19, Australia’s ambassador to Iran, Ms. Lyndall Sachs, met with the Chairman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission in the Majlis (Iran’s parliament), Mojtaba Zolnour.

Israeli Innovation, International Partnerships and Coronavirus: An Update
August 1, 2020 | Jack Gross
As AIJAC has previously reported (see here and here), Israel has responded to the coronavirus as it has responded to…

Russia Intrudes Into the Palestinian Arena
July 30, 2020 | Oved Lobel
Although Russia is far too weak economically and militarily to actually displace the United States or resolve any crises, it can easily establish itself as a key stakeholder in the conflict as it has in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.

The US Democratic party’s 2020 draft platform should somewhat reassure most supporters of Israel
July 25, 2020 | Jack Gross
With leftists, often with an explicit anti-Israel agenda, taking an increasingly important role in the Democratic party in the US, there has been some trepidation among supporters of Israel concerning what a Democratic administration under Biden might mean for US-Israel relations.

Iran Doubles Down in Venezuela
July 15, 2020 | Oved Lobel
Already in 2013, former US Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roger Noriega told the Washington Free Beacon, “It’s easy to say billions have been laundered through various Iranian enterprises and institutions through the Venezuelan economy. The Iranians have seized on this as a way to evade sanctions,” and warned that the Iranian and Hezbollah role would only increase under Maduro. This has proved prescient.

The Palestinians face coronavirus second wave
July 14, 2020 | Jack Gross
As most of the world has been struggling with the highly anticipated second wave of the coronavirus pandemic – including neighbouring Israel, as well as Australia – the West Bank has also become a significant global hotspot.

Second Waves: What can Australia and Israel learn from each other as they both face a new round of Coronavirus?
July 8, 2020 | Jack Gross
On the morning of July 3, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had a phone call with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to discuss dealing with the coronavirus crisis.

“Disappearing Palestine” – the Maps that Lie
July 7, 2020 | Judy Maynard
Appearing regularly in pro-Palestinian books, articles, social media and websites here and overseas – and even in mainstream media – is a series of maps purporting to show the gradual Palestinian dispossession of their land at the hands of the Jews/Israelis. Their problem is that this series of maps is riddled with misrepresentations and omissions…

Al-Jazeera’s Muslim Brotherhood links exposed
July 3, 2020 | Judy Maynard
This snapshot of assorted Al Jazeera offerings from just the past couple of months gives a good idea how endemic antisemitic, anti-Israel and other extremist views are to its programming.

Palestinian leadership coming back to the negotiating table?
July 2, 2020 | Jack Gross
As the Israeli Government’s target date of July 1 to begin extending sovereignty to parts of the West Bank in line with the US Trump Administration’s peace plan came and went, the Palestinian Authority has reportedly agreed to resume direct peace negotiations with Israel