AIJAC statement on Jerusalem Gay Pride Attack

Aug 3, 2015

AIJAC statement on Jerusalem Gay Pride Attack
Shira Banki

Media Release

AIJAC condemns the horrific stabbing of six people at the Jerusalem Pride Parade on July 30. With deep sadness AIJAC sends its condolences to the family of 16 year-old Shira Banki who has died three days after being critically wounded in the attack, and we pray for the speedy recovery of the five injured victims.

Yishai Shlissel, an anti-Zionist religious extremist was arrested at the scene. Israel’s Police have come under heavy criticism for not keeping Shlissel under surveillance, as he had recently finished a 10-year prison term for stabbing three people at the 2005 Jerusalem Pride Parade. 

AIJAC’s Executive Director Colin Rubenstein said:

“Together with all of Israel, we mourn the shocking loss of Shira Banki who was murdered for supporting the principle that LGBT communities should live freely with dignity and safety. Israel is known internationally as being a country that embraces freedom of expression and is inclusive of its LGBT communities. The extremist who committed this despicable attack will not undermine these principles, as demonstrated by the strong and principled reaction to his crime from across the Israeli political and religious spectrum. He should be punished to the full extent of the law – and there is every reason to believe he will be.”



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