AIJAC congratulates US President-elect Joe Biden

Nov 9, 2020 | AIJAC

Biden Victory

Media Release


The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) congratulates Joe Biden on his election as the President of the United States, and his running mate Kamala Harris, who becomes America’s first female vice-President. We wish President-elect Biden and his team every success as they navigate these difficult times, both domestically and internationally, over the next four years.

Mr. Biden is of course a long-standing friend of Israel and the Jewish people, and we hope and expect he will embrace and sustain the long-standing bipartisan tradition of warm and close Israel-US ties. Mr Biden is also a familiar face to Australians, having visited in 2016, and we expect him to continue to strengthen the vitally important and robust Australia-US alliance.

Among the items on President-elect Biden’s long to-do list, AIJAC urges the Biden administration to sustain military and financial pressure on Iran’s regime to curtail its violent, destabilising activities. It is also to be hoped that President-elect Biden will achieve a new deal which genuinely ends Teheran’s quest for nuclear weapons.

In addition, AIJAC expresses optimism that the new Biden administration can build on the Abraham Accords negotiated under the Trump Administration, continuing to expand the circle of Arab and Muslim partners with Israel.

AIJAC would like to express its appreciation for the major achievements of outgoing US President Donald Trump and his team in the Middle East, including both the long-overdue move of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and the pathbreaking Abraham Accords, leading to normalisation between Israel and three Arab states and potentially many more.

For additional information, contact AIJAC on 0418-339-721. 


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IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie