AIJAC welcomes Israel-Sudan peace announcement

Oct 25, 2020 | AIJAC staff



The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) has welcomed the announcement that Sudan has become the fifth Arab country to sign a peace agreement with Israel.

“This is further, substantial evidence that there is a genuine change of heart, bringing about a trend of Arab leaders preferring peace to hostility in the interests of their own countries, the region and beyond,” AIJAC executive director Dr. Colin Rubenstein said.

“The Israel-Sudan agreement comes as Sudan transitions away from the dictatorship of Omar al-Bashir and towards a participatory democracy. This is a real sign Sudan’s interim leadership prefers cooperation to conflict,” he noted.

“It’s clear that since the Sudanese people’s brave uprising and overthrow of a dictatorship which had become increasingly Islamist and hostile to the West, Sudan has committed itself to religious pluralism in the country, and has extended a welcome to the Jewish and Christian populations that fled under the terror of the dictatorship and introduced a series of social reforms,” he observed.

“We look forward to doing whatever we can to support this peace agreement and we look forward to more Arab League and Muslim-majority countries also opting for peace and normalisation over continued conflict,” he concluded.

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