The state of Israeli/Palestinian relations
December 13, 2012
This Update deals with three pieces of analysis on the state of Israeli-Palestinian relations in the wake of the UN vote on “non-member state” status and other recent events.
First up is noted Israeli academic analyst and former UN Ambassador Dore Gold, offering some advice on Israeli diplomacy in the wake of the UN vote. He notes that, despite hints to the contrary prior to the UN vote, there is no sign that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is at all prepared to drop its preconditions and resume peace negotiations with Israel – and indeed the long-standing pre-conditions for talks have now been publicly re-affirmed by PA President Abbas.

The aftermath of the PA UN bid and the debate over Israeli building in settlements
December 7, 2012
This Update deals with the aftermath of the UN vote to upgrade Palestine to “non-member state” status last week, the Israeli response in terms of announcements of preparations to build new housing units in east Jerusalem and settlements, and the strong reaction this decision has promoted from many foreign governments, including Australia’s.

Egypt’s new Islamist constitution
December 5, 2012
On Friday, following an all night session, Egypt’s constitutional assembly rushed through a new constitution, which was promptly approved by Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi, and will be put to a referendum on Dec. 15. The rushed constitutional process follows increasing political unrest there after Morsi published on Nov. 22 a decree giving himself near absolute powers, not subject to judicial review, to take measures he judges necessary ” to protect the country and the goals of the revolution.” But the unrest shows little sign of ending anytime soon.