Victorian State Liberal MPs speak in support of Israel
August 11, 2014
Several Victorian Liberal MPs rose in State Parliament last week to voice their support for Israel during the Gaza conflict and express concern over rising anti-Semitism. This post contains their statements in full.

Gaza’s border in a lasting ceasefire deal/ Hamas and the Media
August 8, 2014
The three day ceasefire that has been in effect in Gaza since Tuesday morning ended a few hours ago, and sadly, Hamas has chosen to resume rocket fire, firing 11 rockets in the first hour. This seems to pretty much guarantee the recent Gaza war will resume and Gazans are reportedly fleeing the border area, though as of this writing, Israel had not yet started to respond. Before the ceasefire’s expiration, Hamas refused calls to extend it despite an Israeli agreement to do so. Already, a few hours before the ceasefire ended, two rockets struck Israel from Gaza.
This Update focuses on what a long-term ceasefire deal might look like, and more specifically on what arrangements for Gaza’s borders might make possible Gaza’s demilitarisation, a key demand of Israel, backed by much of the international community, including many Arab states (Sharyn Mittelman had a great deal on the demilitarisation issue in a blog yesterday.)