The Hamas time bomb in Gaza/ Palestinian views on terror
April 1, 2016
This Update features two valuable pieces on the situation in Gaza – which looks very likely to deteriorate into another round of conflict in the not too distant future. It also includes an important analysis of the polling data on Palestinian views on the current round of terrorist violence – which also offers bad news about the prospects of a lull in the violence emanating from the West Bank.

Brussels: Preventing similar attacks, and what Israeli experience can teach
March 24, 2016
While much ink is already being spilled about the latest ISIS terror attacks in Brussels on Tuesday, this Update tries to add to the coverage by offering the views of counter-terror experts as to what went wrong in Belgium to allow these attacks, and what more might have been done to prevent them.

Russia pulling out of Syria?
March 17, 2016
Russian President Putin announced on Tuesday that Russia is pulling out the main part of Russia’s expeditionary force in Syria – but are keeping a key airbase and naval base. This Update is about the significance of the announced withdrawal, especially for Syria, and what was likely behind Putin’s decision to announce it now.

Israeli preparations to meet the Gaza tunnel threat
March 11, 2016
This Update features three pieces on the reported rapid rebuilding by Hamas of tunnels from Gaza into Israeli communities, and especially about Israeli preparations to meet that threat. These pieces are especially relevant following yet another tunnel collapse in Gaza, the latest in a string of seven such collapses, and reports that rumours in Gaza that Israel has a method to collapse tunnels are causing Hamas activists to refuse to work in them.

The PA and the current round of stabbing violence
March 10, 2016
This Update focuses on recent pieces relating the latest wave of Palestinian violence – which led to a day of particularly brutal violence on Tuesday, including five attacks with dozens wounded and an American tourist killed – and the role of the Palestinian Authority (PA), led by Mahmoud Abbas.

Did moderates win Iran’s election?
March 3, 2016
The Iranian parliamentary election last Friday is being portrayed in many news stories as a win for the “moderates.” This article features some commentary that argues this is an overly-simplistic reading. It also includes a knowledgeable piece on Iran’s role in financing and arranging Palestinian terrorism.