The southern Syrian “ceasefire” and fall of Mosul
July 13, 2017
With the US, Russia and Jordan agreeing to a ceasefire in south-west Syria and the recapture of Mosul from Islamic State, this Update looks at the implications for the region and in particular how these new developments could affect Israel’s security and Kurdish independence.

Saudi Arabia’s activist heir/ Salafi-jihad ideology after ISIS
July 5, 2017
With the Saudi led stand-off against Qatar continuing, changes in Saudi leadership hierarchies, and challenges to ISIS domination, this Update takes a look at what impact the changes in internal and external power dynamics of leading Arab nations can have on the region. This is coupled with what can be expected after the downfall of ISIS-which may not be too far off.

“Bottom-up” peacemaking?/ The NGO problem
June 29, 2017
With the Trump Administration reportedly exploring efforts to re-start Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking, and Administration envoys Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner in Israel this week to meet both sides, this Update offers advice from some veterans of Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking suggesting the best way forward is to pursue a so-called “bottom-up approach” – building institutions of Palestinian statehood and making other changes on the ground, before moving to achieve a final peace deal. It also includes a critique of the way Europe is making peace harder by funding NGOs involved in incitement and promoting extremist views.

Video: Israeli Labor MK Michal Biran on Israel and a Palestinian state
June 28, 2017
Israeli Labor MK Michal Biran on Israel as a Jewish state and recognition of a Palestinian state. Interviewed at AIJAC in Melbourne, 23 June 2017.

Audio: Dr Colin Rubenstein on the Six Day War on ABC Radio National
June 27, 2017
Executive Director Dr Colin Rubenstein discussed the Six Day War on the ABC Radio National program “Counterpoint” with Amanda Vanstone.

Mr. Trump goes to the Middle East
May 19, 2017
With US President Donald Trump leaving today for Saudi Arabia, the first stop on his Middle East trip before visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories on March 22 and 23, this Update is devoted to informed advice about how the US Administration can make the most out of the visit.

Hamas gets a new leader after releasing new political manifesto
May 17, 2017
This Update concerns recent changes in Hamas, including the appointment of a new head of its politburo – who is basically head of the organisation overall – as well as the release of a new political “document of general principles and policies” which appears to soften some of Hamas’ more extreme traditional stances.