Audio: Game of Camps – Dr Eran Lerman on ABC Radio National
September 8, 2017
AIJAC guest Dr Eran Lerman appeared on ABC Radio National’s “Between the Lines” program with Tom Switzer on September 7.
Dr Lerman discusses what the changing dynamic of the regional balance of power means for Israel.

Video: Dr Eran Lerman at the Sydney Institute
August 29, 2017
Israeli strategic analyst Dr. Eran Lerman’s talk at the Sydney Institute was broadcast on Sky News’ A-PAC channel. He discusses Israel’s situation in an ever-changing Middle East.

North Korea’s ICBMs and Iran’s Nuclear Program
August 11, 2017
In the wake of the North Korean ICBM tests in the final days of July – and the escalating international crisis over North Korea’s provocations, with US President Trump again warning of “fire and fury” yesterday, while reports say North Korea has created miniature nuclear warheads that can fit on missiles – this Update features articles linking the current Korean crisis to the ongoing problem of stopping Iran from acquiring similar nuclear capabilities. It also includes an important piece on the policy difficulties of confronting Iran’s regional expansionist efforts.

Israel, the Palestinians and Gaza – Past and Present
August 10, 2017
Today’s Update features two pieces on Israel, the Palestinians and Gaza – one looking at current events and one drawing lessons from past Israeli policy. It also includes some broader thoughts on the state of Israel-Palestinian relations from an important Israeli strategic thinker.

What’s behind two weeks of Temple Mount violence?
August 2, 2017
Two weeks of unrest over Jerusalem’s Temple Mount – which left six Palestinians and three Jews dead – seems to have quietened down, with Jews able to visit Jerusalem’s Old city and Temple Mount yesterday for the Jewish fast day of Tisha B’Av. However, this follows considerable violence on Thursday and Friday even after Israel agreed to remove all the security measures from around the site which had been the claimed justification for the unrest.