Libya: The Rebels and their Prospects
September 2, 2011
This Update deals further with aftermath of the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime in Libya, and particularly the prospects for the rebel “Transitional National Council” (TNC) to effectively rule the country and establish the “pluralist democracy” they claim is their aim.
First up is former Middle East academic expert turned policy adviser Dr. Walid Phares, who makes a number of predictions; first that regardless of their policies, the new TNC rulers of Libya will face a lingering insurgency from pro-Gaddafi forces. But more importantly, he takes issue with the claim often heard that “we don’t know the rebels”, saying that we do know a lot about them, and while they are a mixed bag, the Islamist forces are the strongest and largest organised militia. He argues that they therefore pose a considerable threat of an Islamist takeover if liberal forces are not supported.

Prof. Efraim Inbar on Palestinian statehood
August 30, 2011
AIJAC guest Professor Efraim Inbar from Bar-Ilan University is in today’s Australian on the Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations.
He notes:
Unfortunately, General Assembly resolutions cannot fix a Palestinian national movement that is hopelessly fractured and dysfunctional.
The UN cannot turn the Palestinian factions into one political entity. Can the UN bring Gaza and the West Bank together to present reasonable interlocutors for Israeli negotiators? Can it mellow Hamas’s lust to kill Jews and to eradicate Israel? Can it eradicate the “shaheed” death culture?
Is the UN in a position to infuse pragmatism into Palestinian political culture?