AIJAC UPDATE - The political and moral costs of the failure to sanction Syria

AIJAC UPDATE – The political and moral costs of the failure to sanction Syria

October 7, 2011 | Tzvi Fleischer

Today’s Update looks at Syria, Iran and Turkey against the backdrop of the veto by China and Russia of sanctions by the UN Security Council against the Assad regime in Damascus for its ongoing violent crackdown against anti-government protesters. The resolution was supported by nine members but, significantly, Lebanon, which occupies a temporary seat on the Security Council, abstained from the vote, as did South Africa, India and Brazil. After the vote the EU indicated it intended passing its own sanctions against Syria. Meanwhile Turkey’s PM Recep Erdogan continues to use the Syria issue and relentlessly attacks Israel for his own regional ambitions. We offer a number of articles that reveal the changing dynamics in the Middle East that are are not receiving sufficient attention in Australia and elsewhere.

Iran's Holocaust denial and 9/11 conspiracies becoming "stale"

Iran’s Holocaust denial and 9/11 conspiracies becoming “stale”

October 7, 2011 | Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz

In an amusing slip up captured by Foreign Policy‘s Colum Lynch, Dr Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran’s permanent representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency, has been photographed sitting behind the Israeli desk. As Lynch notes, Iran rejects Israel’s existence to such an extent that Iranian representatives are not permitted to utter the word “Israel” and rather refer to the “Zionist entity”, making the photo (above) sadly ironic.

In fact, Iran seems to have been making the headlines a little over the last two days. Continuing the trend of leaving the important issues to the last minute, Iran’s nuclear program is again on the agenda while the world’s leaders are still gathered in New York. Graham Allison argues in today’s Washington Post that the US should take-up the offer Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made at the beginning of last month to stop enriching uranium in exchange for being sold pre-enriched uranium…

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PLO ambassador goes nuts in Brazil and calls for Israel's destruction

PLO ambassador goes nuts in Brazil and calls for Israel’s destruction

October 7, 2011 | Allon Lee

The PLO ambassador to Brazil, Alzeben Ibrahim, has told a group of Brazilian university students that “Israel should disappear,” according to a Portuguese-language media report.

Explaining the Israeli-Palestinian deadlock

Explaining the Israeli-Palestinian deadlock

October 6, 2011

AIJAC Senior Policy Analyst Jamie Hyams interviewed on ABC News24 (28/9/11) explains why Palestinian intransigence and not Israeli settlement building is the real reason peace talks have not resumed since 2008.

He also discusses why the announcement of approval for a proposed application to build 1,100 homes in the Jerusalem suburb of Gilo does not warrant international attention or condemnation.


Russia and China veto Syria sanctions

Russia and China veto Syria sanctions

October 5, 2011 | Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz

After weeks of controversy over a Palestinian statehood bid of little real consequence, some in the UN have been attempting to shift their focus onto one of the many situations in the world in which innocent people are being killed on a daily basis. To this end, the UN Security Council attempted to pass a motion to prevent Syria’s ongoing crackdown on dissenting citizens. Initially, the European countries were attempting to sanction Syria through imposing an arms embargo. As Foreign Policy‘s UN correspondent Colum Lynch reports, even a watered-down version of this that merely condemned Syria and did not call for any tangible sanctions was vetoed by Russia and China…

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AIJAC UPDATE - The Principles and Principals of the Gilo Housing Project

AIJAC UPDATE – The Principles and Principals of the Gilo Housing Project

October 5, 2011 | Tzvi Fleischer

Today’s Update looks at last week’s controversial approval for a proposed plan to build 1,100 homes within the boundaries of the Jewish suburb of Gilo in Jerusalem. Gilo lies just over the Green Line and is now home to 40,000 Israelis. As Commentary‘s Jonathan Tobin explains, Gilo is a symbol for many Israelis, having been a target for numerous terrorist sniper shootings during the Second Intifada and “was the laboratory where Palestinian terrorists sought to discover whether they could force Jews into abandoning their homes. They failed”.

Hamas calls for Palestinian 'Resistance'

Hamas calls for Palestinian ‘Resistance’

October 3, 2011 | Sharyn Mittelman

The latest news on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has focused on the announcement of the planned construction of new homes in the Jerusalem neighbourhood of Gilo, which is located over the 1967 Green line.

Meanwhile, on October 1, Hamas leader Khaled Meshal also made an announcement that is a serious blow to peace efforts, yet this announcement was barely reported by the media.

Meshal told an international conference in Iran called the ‘5th International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada’, that: “Palestinians must resort to resistance no matter how costly it is, until Palestine is free and Israel is destroyed”. Hamas’ founding charter calls for the destruction of Israel and a Palestinian state in all of the territory between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River.

Post Continues

Media Week – Statehood Stand-off; ABC’s Boycott Boost

September 30, 2011 | Jamie Hyams

The Palestinian unilateral move for the UN to declare them a state again produced a vast array of media comment. The Australian (19/9) featured pieces by Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem and head of the General Delegation of Palestine Izzat Abdulhadi. Abdulhadi gave a history of the peace process that somehow omitted the offers of a Palestinian state and the Palestinian terrorism. Instead, he claimed, “Negotiating in good faith for 19 years, Palestinian people have not achieved freedom and independence in their own state, nor the end of the Israeli occupation.”

Netanyahu and Abbas at the UN

September 28, 2011

Today’s Update focuses on the recent events at the UN. The Palestinians submitted their formal application for full membership of the UN, and both Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly. The Palestinian application is here, the speech by Abbas is here and the speech by Netanyahu is here. Following the speeches, the Quartet of the UN, the European Union, Russia and the US released a proposal for the resumption of negotiations. Israel has decided to accept the proposal, but the Palestinians seem likely to reject it.

On ABC Lateline

On ABC Lateline, Palestinian official’s veiled rejection of Israel’s existence

September 27, 2011 | Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz

ABC TV Lateline’s Ali Moore interviewed Palestinian Authority official Nabil Shaath last night about the PA’s UN statehood bid. Shaath , an experienced statesman, gave what on the surface may be perceived as a compelling argument for supporting the statehood bid; however, further analysis reveals inherent problems in his argument.

A key point that Shaath was attempting to put across was the PLO’s supposed recognition of Israel:

Up till this minute, Israel have not recognised the right of the Palestinians to a Palestinian state on the border of ’67. We still recognise Israel as an Israeli state…

[Post continues]


Image: X

Pay-for-Slay is likely still Pay-for-Slay

Masjid al-Bayt al-Islami (Image: X)

AIJAC welcomes arrest of person who threatened mass violence against Muslims

Hostages Eli Sharabi, 52 (left), and Or Levy, 34, prior to their release on February 8 (Image: Shutterstock)

Fact Sheet: Recently released hostages reveal stories of horrific mistreatment  

Israeli flags in Hostages and Missing Square, Tel Aviv, marking a mourning day dedicated to the first return of casualties from Gaza (Image: Shutterstock)

A month of hostage horrors

Gaza today is a “demolition site”, President Trump has argued (Image: Shutterstock)

Essay: “Gaza shall be forsaken”