AIJAC applauds Australia’s principled stand at ECOSOC
July 24, 2015
AIJAC applauds the principled stand Australia took in opposing the viciously anti-Israel resolution at the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) annual session.
Australia can hold its head high as the only member state along with the US to oppose this appallingly biased resolution…

Isi Leibler to speak in Melbourne
July 20, 2015
Veteran Australian and International Jewish leader Isi Leibler – now residing in Jerusalem – will soon speak in Melbourne on the topic: “Israel Confronts Its Adversaries”.

AIJAC deeply concerned about Iran nuclear deal
July 15, 2015
AIJAC is deeply concerned that the deal announced between Iran and the P5+1 will further destabilise the Middle East. It seems likely that it will only delay but not prevent Iran’s ability to obtain nuclear weapons, while also providing Teheran with a large amount of new resources to continue its efforts at destabilising regional neighbours and in supporting terrorism…

Statement: AIJAC gravely concerned for kidnapped Israelis
July 10, 2015
AIJAC is gravely concerned for the welfare of two Israeli civilians who, it has just been revealed, are believed to be currently being held captive by Hamas or other Palestinian terror groups in Gaza, and extends our sincerest sympathy and hopes for their safe return to the families and loved ones of the two individuals concerned.

Statement: AIJAC condemns antisemitic tweets
June 30, 2015
There is no place for racism in Australian society, and AIJAC commends Libertas Financial Planning for terminating financial adviser James Howarth’s authorised representative status following Howarth’s vile antisemitic tweets attacking Assistant Treasurer The Hon. Josh Frybenberg MP.
We are also pleased that the Financial Services Institute of Australia has launched an investigation…

AIJAC statement on the UN Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry on Gaza
June 25, 2015
“With the release of its report into last year’s Gaza war, the UN Human Rights Council has once again shown why they are incapable of credibly, impartially and objectively investigating matters connected to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
While the report superficially shows more willingness to criticise Palestinian militants for their war crimes than similar reports in the past, this was mere sugarcoating for the main, toxic thrust, which singles out Israel for special condemnation.

Australia/Israel Review magazine App now available for tablet devices
June 10, 2015
AIJAC is very pleased to announce that our Australia/Israel Review (AIR) App for your Apple or Android tablet device is…

Statement: AIJAC disappointed at Vatican recognition of Palestinian state
May 15, 2015
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) is disappointed at the Vatican’s latest move to formally recognise a Palestinian state. Since the 2012 UN resolution accepting Palestine as a non-member observer state, the Vatican has been referring to the state of Palestine, but this treaty goes further by formalising this recognition for the first time. Sadly, this will do nothing to advance peace nor assist Middle Eastern Christians persecuted by Islamists across the region.

AIJAC statement on Foreign Minister Bishop’s forthcoming visit to Iran
April 9, 2015
Knowing Foreign Minister Julie Bishop’s principled views, AIJAC is hopeful that, on her controversial visit to Iran, she will express her disapproval in the strongest terms possible of the Iranian leadership’s continued calls for the destruction of Israel, its promotion of terrorism and its fanatical propagation of antisemitism.