Top Israeli strategic analyst Eran Lerman to speak in Sydney, Melbourne
July 17, 2017
AIJAC, in partnership with its co-sponsors, is proud to present highly experienced Israeli strategic analyst Colonel (ret.) Eran Lerman in Melbourne and Sydney.
Col. Lerman is Former Deputy National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister, Senior Associate at the prestigious Begin-Sadat Centre (BESA) and one of Israel’s leading strategic analysts.

AIJAC’s statement on the federal government’s proposed changes to 18C
March 22, 2017
While procedural changes are welcome, there is no justification for changes to 18C.

AIJAC Statement: Israel’s controversial settlements regulation bill
February 8, 2017
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) today released the following statement expressing concern over the controversial passage on Monday night of the settlements regulation bill in Israel’s Knesset, which would retroactively legalise settlement outposts built on land owned by Palestinians while providing compensation in return.

Statement: President Trump’s recent immigration orders
February 2, 2017
Statement from AIJAC National Chairman Mark Leibler AC and Executive Director Dr. Colin Rubenstein AM on President Trump’s recent immigration orders…