AIJAC welcomes speeches celebrating Israel’s 70th Anniversary in Federal Parliament

Mar 28, 2018

AIJAC welcomes speeches celebrating Israel's 70th Anniversary in Federal Parliament

Media Release


The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) today welcomed the Parliamentary speeches made on March 26 by Federal MPs Stuart Robert, Steve Irons, Dr Mike Kelly, Mark Dreyfus, Tim Wilson, Milton Dick and Michael Danby in support of a motion moved by Mr Robert congratulating Israel on its upcoming 70th anniversary.

The motion also sought to apologise for Australia’s role at the Evian Conference held 80 years ago, which limited Jewish immigration in the lead-up to the Shoah.

AIJAC Executive Director Colin Rubenstein applauded the statements by the MPs saying:

“It is heartening to read these principled, genuine statements of support from Coalition and Labor MPs which celebrate Israel’s survival in its early days against the odds and subsequent flourishing success and acknowledge the importance of the long-standing special relationship Australia and Israel share. It is a relationship that stretches back to well before the Jewish state’s founding, and it is very encouraging to see that the relationship remains a bipartisan priority. We also welcome the heartfelt apology expressed for Australia’s initial lack of empathy in the 30’s towards Jews desperate to escape the Nazi persecution spreading across Europe.”

For additional information, contact AIJAC on (03)-9807-4269.



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View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

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