Proposed anti-terrorism broadcasting standards need to be implemented
Nov 9, 2006

Media Release
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) welcomes the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s (ACMA) proposed new standards that will prohibit broadcasts that directly support terrorist organisations.
The ACMA decision to ban programs that are “directly recruiting persons to join, or participate in, the activities of a terrorist organization” or that are “soliciting or assisting in the collection or provision of funds for a terrorist organization” come as a result of a lengthy investigation following an AIJAC complaint into the broadcast of Hezbollah television “al-Manar” in Australia by satellite company TARBS in 2003.
Al-Manar, banned in the US, France and Canada, is an integral part of Hezbollah, which is classified as a terrorist organisation both in Australia and the US. This TV network is used to spread Hezbollah’s extremist ideology in the Arab World and in the West. Among other things, the station is used to raise money and recruit members for Hezbollah worldwide. As part of its broadcasts, the station incites violence against Coalition forces in Iraq, including Australians, as well as suicide terrorism in Israel and elsewhere.
AIJAC Executive Director Dr. Colin Rubenstein said “We call for these proposals to be implemented as soon as possible. Television stations such as al-Manar and others that act as mouthpieces for terrorist organizations should not be able to use Australia’s airwaves to spread their poison in our multicultural society”.
For more information contact Dr. Colin Rubenstein (03) 9681 6660 or (0418) 339 721
Tags: Antisemitism