Opposition Leader Albanese’s Passover message

Apr 6, 2020


Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has greetings to the Jewish community ahead of Pesach (Passover), which begins on Wednesday night, April 8.




It is with the greatest pleasure that I offer you the traditional greeting that has resounded through the centuries: Chag Pesach Sameach.

Passover is one of the great stories of Jewish triumph over adversity. Indeed, the story of Moses leading the Jews out of slavery and into forty years of wandering before coming to the Promised Land is part of our cultural bedrock.

This year, many of the traditions of Passover will be observed much as they have been for generations, not least the matzah and the wine. This year, however, it will be Passover with a difference. The great upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic means the cherished tradition of the big family meal around the Seder table simply won’t be possible for many this year. 

This, though, is just a pause – not a full stop. It is one more adversity that will be overcome. Families will find all sorts of ways to overcome physical separation at Passover this year, coming together by phone or by internet.

When Passover comes around again next year, I have every confidence that you and your loved ones will be gathered back around the table. 

On behalf of the Labor Party, Chag Kasher V’Sameach.

Anthony Albanese 
Leader of the Australian Labor Party 


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