AIJAC applauds Australian Government stance on UNSC Resolution 2334

Jan 4, 2017 | AIJAC staff

AIJAC applauds Australian Government stance on UNSC Resolution 2334

Media Release


The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) today released the following statement from National Chairman Mark Leibler AC and Executive Director Dr. Colin Rubenstein AM regarding recent comments by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop indicating that, had it been on the UN Security Council, Australia would have voted against UN Security Council Resolution 2334, the controversial resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process passed on Dec. 23:

“AIJAC applauds Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop for their opposition to the recent UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which unfairly places the onus of blame on Israeli settlements for the continuation of the conflict with the Palestinians while acquitting the Palestinian Authority (PA) of any responsibility for the lack of progress towards peace.

“Mr Turnbull and Ms Bishop understand that this flawed, one-sided resolution does nothing to foster trust or bring peace closer. They also understand that settlements are but one of many issues to be discussed in good faith between the parties in direct negotiations – the only path that will lead to a two-state outcome.

“Unfortunately the Palestinian leadership continues to shun such negotiations, preferring unilateral international measures that contradict the 1993 Oslo Accords in an effort to demonise and isolate the Jewish state. Destructively, the United Nations’ indulgence of these tactics only encourages continued PA intransigence, incitement and glorification of terrorists.

“While many world leaders, including US President Barack Obama in his lame duck phase and New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully, seem to misunderstand these realities, it is heartening that the Australian Government has demonstrated moral clarity and astute political leadership in unequivocally highlighting the very serious and negative consequences of this resolution while reaffirming both their solidarity with Israel and genuine commitment to achieving a two-state Israeli-Palestinian peace.”




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