After Abbas
June 13, 2018 | Sharyn Mittelman
Rumours abound about Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’ ill health following repeated hospital stays. With Abbas in his 80s, the end of his leadership is fast approaching. Key questions are who will replace him and will there be an orderly succession or a violent upheaval?

Hamas rolls out new terror innovation: the “Molotov kite”
June 8, 2018 | Ahron Shapiro and AIJAC Staff
Hamas has a new tool in its terror arsenal: Flaming kites, which have caused millions of dollars of damage to Israeli farms and forests.

Russia-Israel deal in Syria: Sign of growing tensions between the two backers of the Assad regime, Russia and Iran
June 7, 2018 | Gabrielle Burack
Last week, it was announced that Russia and Israel have reached an agreement to keep Iranian forces away from Israel’s border with Syria. Israel has long seen an Iranian presence along its northern border with Syria as a significant threat – not least because it allows the potential for rocket fire into Israel from Syria of the sort that occurred on May 10, sparking a major clash.

Randa Abdel-Fattah’s claims on ABC-TV’s “Q&A”: A fisking
June 4, 2018 | Oved Lobel
On ABC TV’s “Q&A” on May 21, panellist Randa Abdel-Fattah, an Australian writer of Egyptian-Palestinian background, made a series of false or misleading allegations against Israel. While some of the other panelists disagreed with her on some of her points, particularly Australian Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan, they were repeatedly cut off by program host Tony Jones. In any event, many of her allegations were left unchallenged and are in need of correction for the public record.
So here’s AIJAC’s “fisking” of Ms. Abdel-Fattah’s claims.

Australian aid to Palestinians – where does it go?
June 1, 2018 | Naomi Levin
With the announcement this week that Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has sought assurances from Palestinian leaders that Australian aid is being appropriately directed, it is a good time to look more comprehensively at Australia’s Palestinian aid program.

Australian expert sets the record straight on “proportionality” in conflict
June 1, 2018 | Naomi Levin
Those who still misuse the legal concept of proportionality would do well to listen to James Larsen, chief legal officer at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and previously an Australian ambassador in Israel and subsequently in Turkey.

Violent indoctrination no way to treat a Palestinian child
May 30, 2018 | Ahron Shapiro and AIJAC Staff
The Palestinian view of children as fair game, a legitimate tool to be used for terror – and a legitimate target if they are Israelis – is notoriously well known.

Is Iran behind the latest attacks on Israel from Gaza?
May 30, 2018 | Tzvi Fleischer
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (IJ) is clearly the main culprit behind the fierce mortar and rocket attacks on Israel that began Tuesday, and saw more than 130 rockets and mortars fired into Israel by Wednesday morning…. the heaviest bombardment that Israel has suffered since the end of the 2014 Gaza war….Yet while the PIJ may have carried out the latest aggression against Israel, it was likely devised by Iran.

Gaza casualties were mostly Hamas militants – the evidence
May 22, 2018 | AIJAC staff
On May 16, Hamas Political Bureau member Salah Al-Bardawil said in a Gaza television interview that 50 of the people killed in Gaza on May 14 were from Hamas, while 12 were “regular people”.

Israel’s Eurovision win: The good, the bad and the ugly
May 18, 2018 | Ahron Shapiro and AIJAC Staff
The 2018 Eurovision song contest, perhaps the world’s most popular pop music competition, saw the Israeli entry sung by Netta Barzilai walk away the winner.

IDF commander: ‘Hamas is exploiting our morality’
May 18, 2018 | Ahron Shapiro
Much has been written and said this week about the clashes along the Gaza border, but besides general reactions from the IDF Spokesperson, we haven’t had an opportunity to hear from the commanders in the field – until now.

No doubt Hamas controls the Gaza protests
May 17, 2018 | Ahron Shapiro
Amid the massive local coverage, Hamas’ involvement in orchestrating the protests on the Gaza-Israel border and the attempts to breach the fence has been reported as a matter of speculation, rather than fact. However, mounting evidence should end the debate.