Parties finalise their lists for next month’s Israeli election
February 5, 2021 | Ahron Shapiro
Registration of parties for Israel’s March 23 national election closed last night, bringing into focus the political battle lines for the upcoming campaign and closing the window for smaller parties to merge and reduce the risk of falling under the electoral threshold of 3.25 percent on Election Day.

The antisemitic commentators of Holocaust Remembrance Day
February 3, 2021 | Judy Maynard
Each year on 27 January – the day the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated – the world remembers and honors the victims of one of the greatest crimes against humanity by observing International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The Biden Administration’s Turkish Dilemma
February 2, 2021 | Oved Lobel
Turkey’s own behaviour will play a role in determining US policy, but there appears little likelihood of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan making anything more than the most cosmetic efforts to get into the Biden Administration’s good graces. If anything, he appears to be doubling down on his policies and provocations.

B’Tselem & “Apartheid”
January 28, 2021 | Judy Maynard
Israeli left-wing NGO B’Tselem managed to grab some international attention by releasing a provocative report on Jan. 12, in which it labelled Israel an apartheid and Jewish supremacist regime. The report’s overblown title, “A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid”, appears to have been a deliberate mirroring of the catchcry of those who would eliminate Israel: “Palestine must be free, from the river to the sea.”

Clive Williams’ misguided claims on Iran, Israel and the Trump Administration – a fisking
January 11, 2021 | AIJAC staff
Clive Williams is a campus visitor with the ANU Centre for Military and Security Law. His article on The Conversation website asked, “Are the US and Iran headed for a military showdown before Trump leaves office?” (Jan 4). Unfortunately, the article was a mixture of out-of-context information, factual errors and half-truths brought together by an underlying presumption that the real threat to peace and security in the Middle East is not Iran, but Israel and the US Administration.

One Nation Senator fails to moderate antisemitic comments
January 7, 2021 | Naomi Levin
During violent riots at the US Capitol, Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts published provocative commentary on his Facebook page, which resulted in some of his supporters leaving antisemitic comments in response.

Beware Turkey’s normalisation noise
January 7, 2021 | Oved Lobel
Absent concrete Turkish concessions or a substantial change in the regional situation, no Israeli interests can be served by humouring Erdogan’s outreach or indulging Turkey’s progressively more appalling demands and activities.

‘Tis the season: Israeli Government to dissolve at midnight
December 22, 2020 | Ahron Shapiro
Israel will be headed for its fourth election in the past two years as a last-ditch Knesset vote that would have held the National Emergency Unity Government together failed in a dramatic fashion late last night, 49-47.

How has Israel fared in 2020?
December 11, 2020 | Naomi Levin
Few, if any, countries have reached the end of 2020 stronger than they began it, Israel included. But how has Israel fared through this challenging year?

The Misdirections of Palestinian PM Mohammed Shtayyeh
December 2, 2020 | Judy Maynard
While there may be two sides to every story, this does not make them equally true. Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh has been on something of a diplomatic offensive of late and, for those who value truth, “offensive” is an appropriate word.

Who are the Iranian men reportedly released in exchange for Kylie Moore-Gilbert?
November 26, 2020 | Naomi Levin
Who are the three Iranian men, all convicted of terrorism offences, reportedly released in exchange for University of Melbourne academic Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert?

WHO General Assembly wastes time and resources on condemnation of Israel
November 26, 2020 | Judy Maynard
The abridgement of the 73rd World Health Assembly (WHA) in May due to the pandemic might have forced the postponement until Nov. 12 of the annual Israel-bashing exercise, but not even COVID-19 was going to push that item off the agenda indefinitely. For some at the WHO, political point scoring is where their real focus lies.