Russia sends its pet neo-Nazis to kill Zelensky – while claiming to want to “denazify” Ukraine
March 2, 2022 | Oved Lobel
There is no need to downplay the existence and danger of neo-Nazi and far-right groups in Ukraine – these are indeed real. But the country has a Jewish president whose grandfather fought the actual Nazis and much of whose family died in the Holocaust, and who won with over 70% of the vote. With Russia now hellbent on destroying Ukraine as an independent state as part of imperial revanchism under the guise of fighting Nazis, self-declared denazifier Putin might look to his own house first.

Apartheid-like situation of Palestinians in Lebanon reasserted – no-one notices
February 18, 2022 | Judy Maynard
The apartheid-like reality which exists for the approximately 180,000 Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon and their descendants was highlighted yet again earlier this month when a decision from last year that would have significantly improved their professional employment opportunities was suddenly reversed…

Israel steps up efforts to confront Jewish extremist violence against Palestinians in the West Bank
February 9, 2022 | Ahron Shapiro
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and key members of his unity Government have vowed to tackle an apparent spike in violence against West Bank Palestinians by masked Jewish extremists – many of them associated with illegal settlement outposts manned by zealots known as the “Hilltop Youth”.

The self-destruction of an NGO: Amnesty International has form
February 8, 2022 | Judy Maynard
Amnesty International has become the latest non-governmental organisation (NGO) to trash its own brand as a supposedly credible and impartial human rights group, with the release of a report that is a factually and legally flawed hit job on Israel.

Australian neo-Nazis stand with convicted British terrorist
December 17, 2021 | AIJAC staff
Australian neo-Nazis have staunchly defended Ben Raymond, a Brit who was jailed earlier this month for eight years for his involvement in the banned terrorist group, National Action.

The “Sydney Statement on anti-Palestinianism”: An Analysis
December 8, 2021 | Judy Maynard
The fact that the AAF thought it appropriate to draft a statement like this one on “anti-Palestinianism” in response to the IHRA definition is both odd and concerning. The IHRA definition is straightforward and unobjectionable…

New “Magnitsky” laws should apply to Iranian abusers
December 6, 2021 | Naomi Levin
The thugs who detained Australians in Iran’s worst prisons could potentially be among those soon to be sanctioned by the Australian Government.

Is Iran “breaking out slowly” towards a bomb?
December 2, 2021 | Ran Porat
The world is increasingly flying blind about what Iran is doing, with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) monitoring of Iran becoming severely limited, thanks to a deliberate policy by Teheran.

Greens miss the mark with antisemitism policy
November 26, 2021 | Naomi Levin
In November, the Australian Greens released a policy on fighting antisemitism. It is, to AIJAC’s knowledge, the first standalone antisemitism policy from any Australian political party.

Iranian Kittens in Cyberspace
November 25, 2021 | Oved Lobel
In May 2020, Yigal Unna, head of Israel’s National Cyber Directorate, declared that “Cyber winter is coming and coming faster than even I suspected” after an Iranian cyberattack against water infrastructure in Israel; in July 2021, he announced “Cyber winter is here.”

Bennett-Lapid Gov’t passes budget, boosts Arab and Druze sectors
November 5, 2021 | Ahron Shapiro
Israel’s first budget in three years received final Knesset approval on Friday morning, Israel time, ensuring the longevity of the Unity…

PA apparently seeks to get Palestinian residents evicted in Sheikh Jarrah
November 4, 2021 | Ahron Shapiro
Readers will probably recall that one of the purported triggers for the May explosion of violence between Israel and terrorists in Gaza, initiated by Hamas, was a property dispute in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of Jerusalem.