Letter: Religious bigotry and racism have no legitimacy in public discourse

Mar 17, 2023 | Jeremy Jones

Image: Shutterstock
Image: Shutterstock

AIJAC’s Jeremy Jones submitted the following letter to the Daily Telegraph. The paper published an edited version of the letter today, March 17. It appears below.

The attempt to create and exploit anti-Muslim prejudice to undermine Tina Ayyad’s campaign for Holsworthy (reported in the Daily Telegraph, 16 March) should be condemned unambiguously and universally.

Religious bigotry, and racism, have no legitimacy in public discourse and Australia is diminished if we ever allow them to pass without strong condemnation.

I trust the voters of Holsworthy will decide on their representative by assessing the policies of the Party or individual and on qualities such as service to the community, and not in response to hate-mongering.

The fact that the person or persons spreading fear and hate chose not to sign the material indicates they must have known that their behaviour would bring them contempt.

I look forward to their identities being uncovered and them facing consequences for attempts at undermining this nation’s values

Jeremy Jones AM
Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council

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