AIJAC mourns the passing of Ambassador Richard Schifter

Oct 6, 2020 | AIJAC staff

Ambassador Richard Schifter with Dr Colin Rubenstein in 2002
Ambassador Richard Schifter with Dr Colin Rubenstein in 2002

Media Release


It was with great sadness that the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council learned of the passing of Ambassador Richard Schifter.

AIJAC conveys its heartfelt sympathy and condolences to his family and the many colleagues who are mourning this loss.

Ambassador Schifter had been a good friend of AIJAC for more than four decades, as a constant and respected source of advice, great wisdom and encouragement. We were in correspondence on matters of mutual concern as recently as last month. It had been our privilege to host him in Australia, having regularly benefitted from meeting with him in the USA.

His advocacy work and promotion of human rights and democracy had a significant global impact and his dedication to the task of fighting for fair treatment of Israel at the United Nations and its agencies was inspirational. His service to three US Presidents gave him a platform from which to advocate for the highest of ideals and earned him permanent respect.

He was a man with incredible drive, strength, perseverance and achievement, while always behaving with civility, decency, humility and generosity of spirit.

May his memory always be a blessing.

Mark Leibler AC – National Chairman
Colin Rubenstein AM
– Executive Director
Paul Rubenstein
– NSW Chairman
Jeremy Jones AM
– Director of International and Community Affairs


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View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

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IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

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