Australia and Israel at the United Nations

April 5, 2020 | AIJAC staff

Australia and Israel have worked together in the United Nations going back prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948. 


Factsheet: The European invocation of the JCPOA “dispute resolution” mechanism

January 17, 2020 | AIJAC staff

On January 14, Britain, France and Germany, three key signatories of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal reached with Iran in 2015, invoked the Dispute Resolution Mechanism (DRM) in that agreement. Here is our guide to what this means and what could happen next.

The drone camp struck last Friday near Damascus.

Factsheet: Alleged Israeli attacks on Iranian-linked targets over recent days

August 28, 2019 | AIJAC staff

Over the last few days, there have been four attacks against sites in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq which have been attributed to Israeli forces.

Factsheet: Israel’s legal process regarding Palestinian minors accused of using stones as weapons in the West Bank

December 23, 2011 | AIJAC staff

This document looks at the Israeli legal process regarding Palestinian minors in the West Bank (hereinafter, the “Area”) accused of using stones as weapons, including a specific analysis of a recent two month period, August and September 2011.

Factsheet: The Palestinian Unilateral Declaration of Independence bid at the UN

Factsheet: The Palestinian Unilateral Declaration of Independence bid at the UN

September 21, 2011

It is expected that the UN resolution will be blocked in the Security Council by US veto, and will pass in the General Assembly where it is non-binding.  The General Assembly cannot by itself establish or recognise a state, it can only admit new members after being nominated by the Security Council.

Factsheet: the Israel-Lebanon border incident

August 4, 2010

Overnight, a border clash between Israeli and Lebanese troops left five people dead. While statements from both sides have been reported in most Australian media, some contextualising facts have been excluded by some media.

Factsheet: The Gaza Flotilla

Factsheet: The Gaza Flotilla

June 1, 2010

Israel considers itself to be in a state of war with Hamas-ruled Gaza; Being at war with Hamas, Israel is within its rights to enforce a maritime blockade on Gaza in order to prevent Hamas from obtaining weapons and other materiel that would aid its war effort


At rallies across the world, it’s not unusual to see the former Iranian flag being waved proudly alongside Israeli flags (Image: X/ Twitter)

The many Iranians who support Israel and Israelis


IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

AIJAC deplores ICJ Advisory Opinion

Screenshot 2024 07 19 At 1.21.58 PM

Defying expectations: Silent settlement freeze and outpost demolitions

The “encampment” at the University of Sydney (Image: X/Twitter)

A university is for a multiplicity of ideas

At rallies across the world, it’s not unusual to see the former Iranian flag being waved proudly alongside Israeli flags (Image: X/ Twitter)

The many Iranians who support Israel and Israelis


IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

AIJAC deplores ICJ Advisory Opinion

Screenshot 2024 07 19 At 1.21.58 PM

Defying expectations: Silent settlement freeze and outpost demolitions

The “encampment” at the University of Sydney (Image: X/Twitter)

A university is for a multiplicity of ideas