20 years on from the Second Intifada – Herb Keinon

Sep 30, 2020

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Herb Keinon, a Senior Contributing Editor and analyst for The Jerusalem Post, spoke to an AIJAC Live Online webinar on 29 September 2020.

Writing extensively on diplomacy, politics and Israeli society, Keinon also lectures widely in Israel and around the world on political and diplomatic developments in the country.

Keinon has been at the Jerusalem Post for 35 years, 20 of those as its diplomatic correspondent, and during this time has covered up close the major stories that have shaped the nation for more than three decades: from the first intifada to the withdrawal from Gaza; the massive immigration of Soviet Jews to the Rabin assassination; the Ariel Sharon premiership to that of Benjamin Netanyahu.

This AIJAC Live Online event coincided with the week, 20 years ago, when the Second Intifada began. Led by Yasser Arafat, the Palestinians unleashed a deadly wave of suicide bombings and terrorist attacks that killed more than 1000 Israelis, most of them civilians. Keinon discussed the implications of the Second Intifada and its ramifications still being felt today.



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